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Hello experts,
I'm working with the demo "profinet_device_demo_am243x-evm_r5fss0-0_freertos_ti-arm-clang" provided by the "ind_comms_sdk_am243x_09_02_00_15".
I was trying to adapt this demo to work with the evaluation board LP-AM243x.
All the peripherals have been set correctly using sysconfig, the only problem I encountered is setting up the Memory Region segment in sysconfig.
In particular, the regions "CODE_MEM", "BOOT_PKT_MEM" and "DATA_MEM" are assigned to the DDR memory which isn't present on the LP-AM243x board, making it impossible to download the firmware.
How can I change the memory allocation in order to download the demo on the AM243x_ALX MCU present on the evaluation board?
Alternatively, is there a release date for the same demo on LP-AM243x?
Best Regards,
Hello Andrea,
Currently PROFINET demo on AM243x-LP is not supported as mentioned in the release notes.
We are currently working on this implementation and planning to provide support for LP-AM243x by end of November.
Best Regards,