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LP-AM243: Industrial Communication Stack (Profinet) with LwIP, LP-AM243

Part Number: LP-AM243

Hello TI Support,

I use the LP-AM243 device with the SDK mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_08_02_00_31.

At my r5fss0-0 Core i use the LwIP stack and the open62541 stack (OPC UA).

At the other cores i have only empty project settings, yet.

I want to use an Insdustrial Communication Stack for example Profinet,too.

In the LwIP example stands that the ICSS can be used with industrial communication protocols.

When I try to combine the LwIP example (enet_lwip_icssg_am243x-lp_r5fss0-0_freertos_ti-arm-clang) and the Profinet stack (profinet_device_rt_mii_demo_am243x-lp_r5fss0-0_freertos_ti-arm-clang) i get the following problems of double existing functions/symbols:

-the functions/symbols are lwip_htonl, lwip_htons, eharp_find_addr, etc. as shown below

Are this functions necessarily part in the profinet lib. or may we get an profinet lib that simply uses the LwIP lib by including?

  • Hi
    Profinet Device solutions uses lwIP stack as well. 

    Can you clarify your usage of one R5F core? Are you planning to run OPC+lwIP and Profinet on same R5F core?

    Dhaval Khandla

  • Hello Dhaval Khandla,

    Yes, I want to use OPC+LwIP and Profinet on the same R5F core.


    Jonas Reich

  • Hi
    Can you confirm if my understanding is correct?

    "On one R5F core, you want to run one lwIP stack. Profinet and OPC use same lwIP stack."

    Regarding the redefinition error, you are seeing it because Profinet stack library contains the lwip sources also. 

    It is not possible to rebuild the lwIP stack for Profinet right now. We are working to enable Profinet stack to use the stand-alone lwIP library (and not compile lwIP along with the stack library).


  • Hi,

    Yes it is correct. One R5F core, with LwIP Stack which is used by the OPC UA stack, too. And the Profinet stack.

    But when you work for a solution, what the Profinet stack can be used with the stand-alone LwIP library, its ok for now.

    Do you know how long this take to solve this problem?

    I do not try it with other industrial communication stacks yet, but do we have the same problem with the other industrial communication stacks (EtherNet/IP, etc..) ?

    Can I use the LwIP stack and the OPC UA stack on a R5F core and the Profinet on an other core ?

  • Hi
    At the moment, we currently support Profinet stack + LwIP integrated. We recommend to use OPC UA and Profinet on different cores to get started.

    Our future SDK releases will allow common LwIP when Profinet example will also link lwIP as a separate library.

    I do not try it with other industrial communication stacks yet, but do we have the same problem with the other industrial communication stacks (EtherNet/IP, etc..) ?

    Profinet and Ethernet I/P has LwIP integrated. EtherCAT and IO/link does not require LwIP.

    Can I use the LwIP stack and the OPC UA stack on a R5F core and the Profinet on an other core ?

    Yes, this is possible, but Profinet on other core will use it's own lwIP if you use the current SDK.

    Can you comment on what is the use-case behind this? 

    Dhaval Khandla

  • Hi, our use case is to use the OPC UA stack with industrial communication (we prefer Profinet). The OPC UA stack needs the LwIP stack to work. We have not yet determined if we want to use only one Core or more Cores, yet.