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TMDSRM48HDK: Demo code can't program to Hercules RM48x Development Kit

Part Number: TMDSRM48HDK
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH, RM48L952


I tried to use Hercules Safety MCU Demos after install CCS and  Hercules Development Kit from DVD.

Hercules demo suit launcher show a message "Demo software not detected on microcontroller.  ....  Would you like to program the demo software into the microcontoller's flash memory now?"  After I press "Yes", Hercules demo suit launcher show  show "Noe Programming RM48x_demo_software.out" and cannot stop running.  How to fix this situation?

  • Hi Elaine,

    The demo GUI doesn't work on windows 10. You can use CCS to open/compile the source code and load the *.out file to the flash using either CCS or Uniflash.

  • Hi QJ,

    I got this message when I load the *.out

    CortexR4: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0xF0400000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.
    CortexR4: GEL: File: D:\Project\TI\TestProject\RM48x_demo_software\Debug\RM48x_demo_software.out: a data verification error occurred, file load failed.

  • I got this message when I load the *.out

    CortexR4: File Loader: Verification failed: Values at address 0xF0400000 do not match Please verify target memory and memory map.

    Address 0xF0400000 is the start of the Flash Data Space ECC in the RM48L952.

    Looking at the RM48x_demo_software.out from v4.0.0 of the Hercules Safety MCU Demos shows that .out file contains an initialised ECC section:

    C:\Users\mr_halfword>"C:\Program Files (x86)\ti\cgxml-2.61.00\utils\ofd6x.exe" -x "C:\ti\Hercules\Hercules Safety MCU Demos\4.0.0\RM48x_demo_software.out" | "C:\Program Files (x86)\ti\cgxml-2.61.00\bin\sectti.exe"
    Reading from stdin ...
    REPORT FOR FILE: C:\ti\Hercules\Hercules Safety MCU Demos\4.0.0\RM48x_demo_software.out
                    Name : Size (dec)  Size (hex)  Type   Load Addr   Run Addr
    -------------------- : ----------  ----------  ----   ----------  ----------
                .intvecs :         32  0x00000020  CODE   0x00000000  0x00000000
                   .text :     121328  0x0001d9f0  CODE   0x000549ac  0x000549ac
                  .const :     346508  0x0005498c  DATA   0x00000020  0x00000020
                  .cinit :        464  0x000001d0  DATA   0x000723a0  0x000723a0
                    .bss :      62352  0x0000f390  UDATA  0x08001700  0x08001700
                   .data :        752  0x000002f0  UDATA  0x08010a90  0x08010a90
                   .ecc0 :      58542  0x0000e4ae  DATA   0xf0400000  0xf0400000
    Totals by section type
      Uninitialized Data :      63104  0x0000f680
        Initialized Data :     405514  0x0006300a
                    Code :     121360  0x0001da10

    How is the .out file being loaded?

    If auto-ECC generation is selected that might conflict with the initialised ECC section in the .out file.

    I tried to use Hercules Safety MCU Demos after install CCS and  Hercules Development Kit from DVD.

    Also, which version of the demo software is in use?

    v4.0.0 was downloaded from HERCULES_SAFETY_MCU_DEMOS Code example or demo |, which might be a later version on the Development Kit DVD.

  • Hi Chester,

    Used the DVD still met problem, so I tried to download CCS from and HERCULES_SAFETY_MCU_DEMOS from

    I used CCS11.2.0 to open the source code and change targetConfigs to RM48L952.xxml,  compile the source code and load the *.out file to the flash,

    Where is the auto-ECC generation be set?

  • Hi Chester,

    I found  Auto ECC Generation setting and uncheck it.  I can program the code to mcu now.  HDK Safety Demo.exe stll can't connection to the microcontrol,  this is because that it doesn't support windows 10, right? 

  • Hi Elaine,

    The demo GUI is not supported under windows 10.