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MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X: AM2632 Bootloader, CAN RX receiving data problem.

Part Number: MCU-PLUS-SDK-AM263X

Hi TI expert

SBL hanged when MACN RX receiving too much data in AM263x SDK V8.3 

Test project provided in  mail.

Test step: (Please refer attach file)

  1. Main() call HHCAN_CheckCanISRStatus() to check MCAN FIFO data in ApiCan_ReceiveFIFOMessage() every 5ms
  2. Add test counter when getting data. (Attach project use CAN ID 0x705)
  3. CAN  Analyzer sending data: CAN ID 0x705, interval 10ms, sending 10000 times
  4. Check counter by UART log or CCS

Test result: SBL hanged with unknow reason and counter <10000



  • Hi Jay,

    I remember seeing that we do not enable interrupt in SBL. Even for UART we make sure to enable polling.
    1. My suggestion would be to poll manually.
    2. ISR are disabled in DebugP_log functions and there are chances you miss them, but if the interrupts are already logged, the ISR is invoked if the interrupts are enabled. So very less likely.

    Let me know if you see the same issue if the interrupt is disabled and polling is used.

    Thanks and Regards,

  • Hi Jay,

    We have root caused the issue. Interrupt nesting in NORTOS is not functional as expected when you have 2 or more interrupts with different priorities.

    I have filed a bug MCUSDK-7030 for internal tracking and will update on this thread about the schedule which includes this fix.

    As I mentioned in the email as a workaround please use same interrupt priority or disable interrupt nesting HWIP_NESTED_INTERRUPTS_IRQ_ENABLE.

    Thanks And Regards,

    Sunil Kumar M S