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Trouble getting TI-RTOS ported to this MPU

Part Number: TM4C1290NCPDT
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TM4C1231H6PM, EK-TM4C123GXL, MSP-FET, TM4C123GH6PM

A couple of years ago I had a design using the TM4C1290NCPDT MCU,  I needed USB and wanted to use TI-RTOS.  I spent months on these forums trying to get TI-RTOS up and running on CCS, tried everything suggested and nothing worked, some of the recommendations were even contradictory.  In total frustration I decided to punt and use a bare metal implementation using the Tivaware libraries (sadly, a few days later someone was willing to 'Friend' me; I assume allowing the person to remote into my computer).  I was never able to get the USB working and had to work-around using a serial port.

I'm again starting a new design again needing USB and I would like to use FTI-RTOS but am gun-shy that if I don't use the same MCU that's used on one of the development boards I will be facing the same struggle.

Has the bring-up process been improved over the last few years and/or is there a way I can get someone who will work with me to get the RTOS running and/or is there a pay-for-help path to get it running?



  • Hi,

      For TI-RTOS based USB examples, you can import them through CCS Resource Explorer. Please see below. There are a few USB examples but these are all we have. 

  • Thanks Charles.

    My issue at the moment is not getting USB working under TI-RTOS, but just getting TI-RTOS to run on my MPU in the first place.

    Regards, Doug

  • Hi,

      Which MPU are you referring do? I assume you are working with TM4C129, correct? We normally refer TM4C129 as a MCU, not MPU. I just wanted to make sure we are talking the same product you are having problems with running TI-RTOS.  What is the problem with running TI-RTOS on TM4C129? There are many TI-RTOS examples for TM4C129 that you can download. Are you saying you can't get any one of them working? USB examples I showed are just some of the examples. There are many other examples. 

  • The part number is at the head of this inquiry: TM4C1290NCPDT

    Sorry, MCU

    Again, my issue is that I struggled for several months several years ago trying to get the RTOS running on this MCU, tried everything that was suggested, and some of the recommendations were contradictory to others.  Someone finally "friended" me which I think that would allow him to log onto my computer to see what I was trying to do, sadly that offer came after I had given up on it and went in a different direction.  I don't want to go through that frustration again.  Is anyone out there willing to help me get it running this time?

    Thanks, Doug

  • Hi Doug,

      I'm sorry for the struggles you had several years ago. But that does not mean you will have the same problem again. Unless you try to run some of the examples and tell me why they don't work, I'm not able to help you. Please be specific what problems you are facing with TI-RTOS? They won't compile or the examples won't run or what happens?

  • Thanks Charles, I will give it a go again and let you know.  I will be out of town for the next week so it might not be until late Feb, early Mar to get going.


  • My Resource Explorer does not have an entry for TI-RTOS: CCS

  • I notice new version CCS place TI-RTOS for Tiva under Arm -Base processors instead of Arm-based micocontrollers. 

    After your new CCS version is installed and running then:

      1. open Resource Explorer.

      2. On the upper right with the three bars, click it and select Package Manager

      3. You should see a list of packages. Look for TI-RTOS for TivaC and then click on the right arrow See below. 

      4. Click the box and click the 'Apply'.

      5. Once you do that you should find all TI-RTOS examples in below directory starting at Arm-base processors although it should start under Arm-based microcontroller to be more precise of TM4C's association with microcontrollers than processors. 


  • Very good.

    I've downloaded TI-RTOS (tirtos_tivac_2_16_01_14,  tirex-product-tree, and xdctools_3_32_00_06_core).  In the  Getting Started Guide, it says to use the CCS App Center to install it into CCS; TI-RTOS does not show up there.

    I've installed TI-RTOS on the DK-TM4C129X board before so that's not what I want to do.  I want to install the RTOS on my hardware which has a TM4C1231H6PM MCU.  In Create New Project, it asks to Select Board or Device: I enter TM4C1231H6PM it states "No boards detected".  How do I proceed?

    Thanks, Doug

  • Hello Doug,

    I've downloaded TI-RTOS (tirtos_tivac_2_16_01_14,  tirex-product-tree, and xdctools_3_32_00_06_core).  In the  Getting Started Guide, it says to use the CCS App Center to install it into CCS; TI-RTOS does not show up there.

    Unfortunately the Getting Started Guide is pretty old at this point, many CCS versions ago.

    Was there an issue with what Charles walked you through above?

    In Create New Project, it asks to Select Board or Device: I enter TM4C1231H6PM it states "No boards detected".  How do I proceed?

    Can you show a screenshot of the Create New Project screen that is giving this error so I know how to recreate it on my end?

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • Here is the New Project Wizard:

    If I do Create New CCS project:

    But in the past no one was able to tell me how to make this a TI-RTOS project.

    If I create a TI-RTOS project for the DK-TM4C129X that's fine, but people told me to just change the CPU in that project to the TM4C1231H6PM but one is not allowed to do that.

    Using the New Project Wizard again for the DK-TM4C129X it doesn't list any TI-RTOS examples.



  • Hello Doug,

    I don't think there is a 'new project wizard' option for TI-RTOS. I don't believe we've ever offered a guide for that because you should be starting from a TI-RTOS example instead.

    What you should start with is an 'empty' project from the TI-RTOS examples list.

    You should be able to find such a project for EK-TM4C123GXL which would let you then switch to your desired target microcontroller.

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • Thanks Ralph.

    I tried that, but whether I filter on TI-RTOS or TI-RTOS7 it says "No example projects found"

  • Hi Doug,

    I've never used that wizard to get a TI-RTOS project for TM4C before. It probably doesn't support it because that's a newer CCS feature and the TI-RTOS for Tiva-C release uses older metadata.

    I've always imported projects through Resource Explorer or with the Import CCS Project tool:

    Folder location: C:\ti\tirtos_tivac_2_16_00_08\resources\ek_tm4C123GXLEvaluationKit\driverExamples\tiDriverExamples

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • When I try to import the uartecho example it gives this error every time I click the Finish button so it won't proceed. 

    Thanks, Doug.

  • Hello Doug,

    And this is after you follow Charles' prior instructions? Re-posted:

    After your new CCS version is installed and running then:

      1. open Resource Explorer.

      2. On the upper right with the three bars, click it and select Package Manager

      3. You should see a list of packages. Look for TI-RTOS for TivaC and then click on the right arrow See below. 

      4. Click the box and click the 'Apply'.

    I have CCS installed on PC as well and after doing the package manager installation I can both import from Resource Explorer and Import from CCS Projects without error.

    If you've done the above steps and still have an issue, I'll direct this to the CCS team for further guidance.

    Best Regards,

    Ralph Jacobi

  • Yes, when I do that it doesn't find any results.

    I also have CCS

    And when I "Import CCS Project" I get the error in my prior message.


  • Hi Doug,

    I enter TM4C1231H6PM it states "No boards detected"

    Note that the CCS "auto-detect" feature relies on reading the serial number of supported debug probes (mostly XDS110 and MSP-FET) and looking for a specific ID in the serial number. TI LaunchPads will have the correct ID in their serial number. If you are not using a TI Launchpad but instead a custom board, then the auto-detect will not work. But this does not mean that your target will not work with CCS. Only the auto-detect component.

    Yes, when I do that it doesn't find any results.

    It's because you have "TI-RTOS7" enabled under "Kernel". There are no TI-RTOS7 examples for Tiva, hence why you do not see any results.

    When I try to import the uartecho example it gives this error every time I click the Finish button so it won't proceed. 

    Make sure TI-RTOS is properly discovered by CCS:



  • Thanks.

    It doesn't find them whether I select TI-RTOS7 or TI-RTOS.

    Clicking "Refresh" on the Installed Products for did indeed install TI-RTOS and I was able to create an example project.

    Now to change it from the TM4C123GH6PM MCU to my TM4C1231H6PM, do I just need to select it here in the Target Configs folder and then edit the sources as necessary?

  • It doesn't find them whether I select TI-RTOS7 or TI-RTOS.

    It should find it IF you downloaded TI-RTOS for Tiva from Resource Explorer as Charles suggested.

    Now to change it from the TM4C123GH6PM MCU to my TM4C1231H6PM, do I just need to select it here in the Target Configs folder and then edit the sources as necessary?

    Also change it in the device variant in the project. This will ensure the correct build options are used for the device.

    If you 

    If you have the option to manage the target configuration enabled, then it will also auto-update the target configuration ccxml file also.



  • I think I'm good to go now.  Thanks to everyone that helped !