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TM4C123GH6PM: ESD causes the board to lock

Part Number: TM4C123GH6PM


The past couple of days I have been plaing arround with a Launchpad TMC4123GH6PM.
One thing I noticed is the board being pretty sensitive to ESD spikes (e.g. just lifting up from my chair causes one, my collegue 1m away as well).
When a spike occurs, the board seems to get in a locked state, only a power cycle seems to fix it.
I also noticed the controller to get pretty warm, measured it at 63 degrees Celsius.

Is this normal behaviour?

The software on it does not seem to affect its behaviour, it also occurs with a simple 'Blinky'.

  • Hi,

      I have not come across your described behavior among forum users in which you describe by just lifting up from a chair remotely can cause an unrecoverable ESD event to the board.

      Is this an observation you notice recently or since day one you open the box?

      How long have you been using the board?

      Do you have another LaunchPad that you can replicate the behavior? 

      Do you have proper ESD protection on the bench (e.g. bench is properly grounded and etc)? Do they help alleviate the problem?


  • Hi

    I have been using the board for about a week and started noticing it when my collegue has become more "active" (more trips to the coffee machine), so about 2 days.

    The board is power via USB to my laptop, no additional grounding is added.
    I will try with another board tomorrow.

    I will place the currend board on a ESD protected bench and wear ESD shoes etc.

  • Hi,

      I will suggest you try another PC or another USB port just to make sure if you can replicate the same issue. Let's rule out if your laptop has any power supply issue to the board.  

  • Hi,

      I have not heard back from you. Will a ESD protected bench help and have you had a chance to try another board? I will close the thread for now. If you have some update you can write back to this post and it will automatically change the status to open and I will be notified.