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MSPM0G3507: CAN tx example on early samples

Part Number: MSPM0G3507
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


I am trying to use the example to send a CAN frame on early samples

I have SDK 0.58 and CSS 12.0.0, working fine with the early samples

I alredady succeded to send CAN messages with the exact same HW and CSS12.3 (not for early samples)

HW is correct, oscillator correctly configured, I think I put the correct configuration in syscfg file but no frames are emitted, bus is idle

Microcontroler is awake and oscillators correct, I have a GPIO set as a n output toggeling from a timer at 2ms, that works well, it's divided to send a frame every 100ms

Is there a guide regarding the setting of CAN in syscfg? I try to send a 8 bytes frames in CAN HS 500kbit/s

Please find bellow the related config I have now - thanks


  • Hi Thomas,

    As you said, you use CCS12.3 for development.

    So, are you using production sample for developing now? We recommend customer using early sample with SDK 0.58.xx or newr with CCS version lower than 12.2 (not included 12.2).

    If you have production samples now and want to develop it, please download SDK 1.00.04 or newr directly in

    If you are ready for the previous preparation, the SDK will include the initial configuration of sysconfig. Try to use the example code and then modify it according to your demands.

    Then if the error insists, feel free to give me some feedback. And I can do some verfication.



  • Hello Sal,

    thanks for your answer

    Maybe it's confusing, I write that I have CCS12.0 + early samples, but in the past (previously, not the case now), I wrongly used CCS12.3

    With previous config CAN was sent, now with correct CCS it's not

    The check you request is precisely what I did here



  • Hi Thomas,

    Actually, I am concerned about the device and SDK version you are using currently.

    Is it production samples? Or just the same with the previous device. Can you describe the silk screen of the device or LaunchPad version you use now. So I can quickly get the answer of it.

    What is your SDK version using currently?



  • I have SDK 0.58 and CSS 12.0.0, working fine with the early samples

    Hello Sal,

    here is my config



  • And regarding CAN I tested the same HW with wrong CCS thus it's working well, CAN is on pins 7/8

  • Hi Thomas,

    In a word, the config of your HW is not supported for CCS 12.3. Details refer to following thread: 

    If you want to use CCS12.3, please get "SDK 1.00 + production sample", other HW is not supported.

    I have SDK 0.58 and CSS 12.0.0, working fine with the early samples

    So, it works fine in "SDK 0.58 + CSS 12.0.0 + early sample", this is what I get in your description.



  • Hello Sal,

    I don't know how to explain better, let me try a different way

    1- early samples + CCS12.3 --> CAN frames emitted well but there are other problems (not CAN)

    2- early samples + CCS12.0 --> CAN frames not emitted but oscillators are fine and it's the correct CCS

    Is it clear?

    I then suppose there is something wrong with CAN configuration in step 2, this is where I request help and why I posted my CAN config to check if something is wrong or not

    In the meantime I try to retake CAN FD message



  • Hi Thomas,

    Thanks for clarification. I get it clearly now.

    Let focus on step 2 and figure it out. I will check the SDK example and then do some test.

    I will give you the feedback as soon as I get some results. It will take a few time for the goal. Please let me know if you have any updates.



  • Hello Sal,

    thanks a lot - btw there is one wrong statement, pins of CAN I use are 16/17 on 32 pins package

    I try to play with the example, I set a timer that will send the frame every 100ms, I can see from debugger that it's called correctly every 100ms

    The question is now to know why the frames are not emmited

    Is there a document that explains the effects of all the configurations in mscan in syscfg, please?



  • Hello,

    it seems to work, I took back the config from the example, if I change anything it goes wrong, then in the text I switched to CAN HS, then the oscillator for the CAN module must be 20MHz, if I put 40 then speed of the CAN is 250kbit/s, if I put 80 it's 125kbit/s

    Honnestly it's not user friendly, I suppose it's what is corrected in the next revisions of CCS and SDK

