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TMDSCNCD263: EthTrcv mandatory undefined APIs inside source code of Driver

Part Number: TMDSCNCD263

Hello Team,

In MCAL_AM263x_08.06.02.01 package for EthTrcv driver , we are getting compilation issue for below APIs

 FUNC(Std_ReturnType, ETHTRCV_CODE) EthTrcv_SetTransceiverWakeupMode(uint8 TrcvIdx,EthTrcv_WakeupModeType TrcvWakeupMode);

FUNC(Std_ReturnType, ETHTRCV_CODE) EthTrcv_GetTransceiverWakeupMode(uint8 TrcvIdx,EthTrcv_WakeupModeType* TrcvWakeupModePtr);

FUNC(Std_ReturnType, ETHTRCV_CODE) EthTrcv_GetPhySignalQuality(uint8 TrcvIdx,uint32* SignalQualityPtr);

FUNC(Std_ReturnType, ETHTRCV_CODE) EthTrcv_CheckWakeup(uint8 TrcvIdx);

Atleast Dummy Definition need to be provided if functionality is not supported.


Pradeep R

  • Hi Pradeep,

    Created a internal ticket for this


  • Hi Pradeep,

    In the  AUTOSAR 4.3.1 EthTrcv SWS specification, it is not clearly mentioned that EthTrcv_CheckWakeup Api to be available only under some macro.

    They have specified only below information.

    [SWS_EthTrcv_00139] ⌈
    The function EthTrcv_CheckWakeup() shall be only available if EthTrcvWakeUpSupport is something else than ETHTRCV_WAKEUP_NOT_SUPPORTED. ⌋(SRS_Eth_00106)

    So we are defining dummy api like below. Please provide if you have any more details. 

    FUNC(Std_ReturnType, ETHTRCV_CODE) EthTrcv_CheckWakeup(uint8 TrcvIdx)
        Std_ReturnType retVal = (Std_ReturnType) E_OK;
        return retVal;

    Thanks And Regards,
