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SW-DK-TM4C129X: Modbus TCP/IP on TM4C129X

Part Number: SW-DK-TM4C129X

Hi TI-team,

I would like to use the lwIP TCP/IP stack to implement a Modbus TCP/IP protocol on a TM4C129X or MSP432 microcontroller.

I have a DK-TM4C129X development board and went through some examples like the "Ethernet with lwIP" to evaluate the lwIP stack.

Is it possible to take this example as a starting point and modify it for Modbus TCP/IP data transfer or is there a smarter way to start the development?

E.g. is there a ready-to-use library or application to implement Modbus TCP/IP on any TI development board?

Thanks in advance for your support.

Regards, Gerhard