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Dear TI experts,
We want two channels of PWM starting Simultaneously without any delay.
In the below snapshot: EPWM 0 starts first then starts the EPWM 1 but our application needs both PWM waves starting at same time.
Can you please suggest us how to configure both EPWM0 and EPWM1 pulses to start simultaneously at same time without any delay.
Hello Prashanth,
Please use EPWM_CLKSYNC register to start the clock(Time Base clock TBCLK) of multiple EPWM instances simultaneously.
Address is 0x502F 0010 which can be obtained from CSL_CONTROLSS_CTRL_U_BASE + CSL_CONTROLSS_CTRL_EPWM_CLKSYNC
Please refer to SOC_setEpwmTbClk API for programming this register.
\mcu_plus_sdk\source\drivers\soc\am263x\soc.c (Note that SOC_setEpwmTbClk API starts the clock of EPWM instances one by one, not multiple instances simultaneously)
For example:
Program PWMs as follows,
Observe the PWMs
Please note that this is a one time synchronization of PWMs
If the period (PWM frequency) is constant for the use case (no frequency modulation is required), then use above method of one-time synchronization of PWMs. If frequency modulation is required, the use EPWMxSYNCI, EPWMxSYNCO and TBPHS (sync in, sync out and phase shift) feature of EPWM.
Hi @Sanjeev Karaiyan,
I tried the above steps:
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(0, FALSE);
SOC_setEpwmGroup(0, 0);
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(1, FALSE);
SOC_setEpwmGroup(1, 0);
/* Open drivers to open the UART driver for console */
EPWM_setTimeBasePeriod(CONFIG_EPWM0_BASE_ADDR, 2500);
EPWM_setTimeBasePeriod(CONFIG_EPWM1_BASE_ADDR, 10000);
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(0, TRUE);
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(1, TRUE);
But after these although we saw shorter sync than before but we still see some 13 Micro sec delay:
Please find complete project below:
You could try a software forced sync for the first period then move control to ZEROEN for automatic syncing:
Hi Keir,
Tried Software force sync pulse as well, but still I am getting some 10 Micro sec out delay in the start of next channel.
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(0, TRUE);
SOC_setEpwmTbClk(1, TRUE);
Please replace these 2 lines with following