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MSPM0L1106: SKD update Sysconfig linker script

Part Number: MSPM0L1106
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSCONFIG


What is the best way to keep the SDK up to date? We have seen that the MSPM0 SDK got updated to V20.01.06 (from V20.00.05). But the sysconfig is now including a generated linker script which does not support any modifications (as far as we can tell). 

We need certain modifications to accommodate the eeprom emulation (reserved address ranges).

Thank you and best regards,


  • Hi, 

    1. For the newest example imported to CCS, and there is a need for custom linker file: 

        Rebuild the project, copy the /Generated Source/device_linker.cmd file to the root folder of your project.(just like the old version SDK does).

        Then disabled syscfg -> Project configuration files -> Linker File Generation.

        Rebuild the project, you can modify the link file by your self.

    2. For users who have upgraded from an older version to, there is two ways:

        2.1 Option for user manually configure Linker File: In syscfg -> Project configuration files -> Linker File Generation, disable the corresponding generation option that you want to maintain by yourself. And the most Error encounter during compilation is [Linker File Generation] and [Startup File Reference].

        2.2 Option for automatically generating file: Delete the [.cmd] file and [ticlang] folder of your old version project. This is helpful for users who want to migrate code between different devices.

