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sir now i need to find speed , in quadrature pulse generator providing input to pin epeqA and epeqB , how to find speed what will be configuration should be in halcoGen , input is tiime period 20millisecond , frequency is 50 hz , i attach my code , for that what configuration we should , will u help me
#include "HL_sys_common.h"
#include "HL_sys_core.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "HL_sci.h"
#include "HL_eqep.h"
#define UART sciREG1
#define clkfreq 75000000
#define PPR 30U
uint16 data_buffer[10];
void sciDisplayText(sciBASE_t *sci, uint16 *text, uint32 length);
uint16 eqepReadCapturePeriodLatch (eqepBASE_t *eqep);
uint32_t posCountValBef;
uint32_t posCountValAft ;
uint16 deltaT = 0U;
uint8 pi = 3;
uint8 D = 1 ;
uint8 circumference ;
uint8 velocity = 0;
uint16 frequency ;
uint16 RPM= 0;
uint16 Distance = 0;
uint16 speed = 0;
uint16 period ;
uint8 direction;
uint16 status;
uint16 time_period ;
void wait(uint32 time);
#define INDEX 10
/** @fn void main(void)
* @brief Application main function
* @note This function is empty by default.
* This function is called after startup.
* The user can use this function to implement the application.
int main(void)
/* Enable Position Counter */
/* Enable Unit Timer. */
/* Enable capture timer and capture period latch. */
/* Read the position counter value before the index event */
posCountValBef = (uint16)eqepReadPosnCompare(eqepREG2);
/* Status flag is set to indicate that a new value is latched in the QCPRD register. */
if((eqepREG2->QEPSTS & 0x80U) != 0U)
period = eqepREG2->QCPRDLAT;
deltaT = eqepREG2->QCPRD;
posCountValAft = (uint16)eqepReadStatus(eqepREG2);
velocity = (PPR / deltaT);
/* Assign value in period register into period variable */
circumference = (double) (D * pi); /* cirumference of wheel ,convert Diameter into meter then used */
frequency = (uint16)((1000000U)/(uint16)(time_period)); /* to convert microsec to sec */
RPM = (uint16)((frequency * 60)/ PPR); /* multiply of 60 for convert sec into min */
Distance = (uint16)(( circumference * RPM )/60); /* divide 60 to convert Min to Sec */
speed = (uint16) (( RPM * circumference *60 )/1000); /* Multiply of 60 to convert min into hour & divide 1000 for m into Km */
/* Read the position counter value after the index event */
if (posCountValAft > posCountValBef) {
direction = 1; /* Direction is farward */
} else {
direction = 2; /* Direction is backward */
/* Clear the Status flag. */
eqepREG2->QEPSTS |= 0x80U;
thank you
Hi Jeeva,
You calculated time period right, from that you can easily calculate the frequency(1/T). And now from frequency you can easily calculate the speed or velocity of the motor.
Velocity = Frequency for Minute / (Encoder lines * 4)
As you can see in above example, the frequency is 400Hz and 500-line encoder motor they are using right, so
Velocity = 400*60/(500*4) = 12 RPM.
So, try to calculate in the same way.
Thanks & regards,
ok sir , i will share my halcogen configration as well as code also in this cannot able to upload file , what shall i do , if i click insert option then upload if press , file /URL is not allow like this notification is getting
thank you
dear sir i email u source file and halcogen please find that respose as soon as possible it is my request sir
thank you
/** @file HL_sys_main.c * @brief Application main file * @date 11-Dec-2018 * @version 04.07.01 * * This file contains an empty main function, * which can be used for the application. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Texas Instruments Incorporated - * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Texas Instruments Incorporated nor the names of * its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* USER CODE BEGIN (0) */ /* USER CODE END */ /* Include Files */ #include "HL_sys_common.h" /* USER CODE BEGIN (1) */ #include "HL_sys_core.h" #include "math.h" #include "HL_sci.h" #include"HL_etpwm.h" #include "HL_eqep.h" #define UART sciREG1 void pulse_width(void); #define clkfreq 75000000 #define PPR 30U uint16 data_buffer[10]; void sciDisplayText(sciBASE_t *sci, uint16 *text, uint32 length); uint16 eqepReadCapturePeriodLatch (eqepBASE_t *eqep); uint32_t posCountValBef; uint32_t posCountValAft ; uint16 deltaT = 0U; uint8 pi = 3; uint8 D = 1 ; uint8 circumference ; uint8 velocity = 0; uint16 frequency ; uint16 RPM= 0; uint16 Distance = 0; uint16 speed = 0; uint16 period ; uint8 direction; uint16 status; uint16 time_period ; void wait(uint32 time); #define INDEX 10 /* USER CODE END */ /** @fn void main(void) * @brief Application main function * @note This function is empty by default. * * This function is called after startup. * The user can use this function to implement the application. */ /* USER CODE BEGIN (2) */ /* USER CODE END */ int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN (3) */ QEPInit(); sciInit(); _enable_interrupt_(); /* Enable Position Counter */ eqepEnableCounter(eqepREG2); /* Enable Unit Timer. */ eqepEnableUnitTimer(eqepREG2); /* Enable capture timer and capture period latch. */ eqepEnableCapture(eqepREG2); // deltaT = eqepREG2->QCPRD; // status = eqepREG2->QUPRD ; // time_period = eqepREG2->QCPRDLAT ; /* Read the position counter value before the index event */ // posCountValBef = (uint16)eqepReadPosnCompare(eqepREG2); /* Status flag is set to indicate that a new value is latched in the QCPRD register. */ if((eqepREG2->QEPSTS & 0x80U) != 0U) { // eqepSetCapturePeriod (eqepREG2, 10000U); deltaT = eqepREG2->QCPRD; status = eqepReadStatus(eqepREG2); /* store status flag register value in one variable */ if (((status & (uint16)0x20)!= 0)) { direction = 1; // Direction is farward } else { direction = 2; // Direction is backward } status = eqepREG2->QUPRD ; time_period = eqepREG2->QCPRDLAT ; posCountValAft = (uint16)eqepReadPosnCount(eqepREG2); velocity = (PPR / deltaT); /* Assign value in period register into period variable */ circumference = (double) (D * pi); /* cirumference of wheel ,convert Diameter into meter then used */ frequency = (uint16)((1000000U)/(uint16)(time_period)); /* to convert microsec to sec */ RPM = (uint16)((frequency * 60)/ PPR); /* multiply of 60 for convert sec into min */ Distance = (uint16)(( circumference * RPM )/60); /* divide 60 to convert Min to Sec */ speed = (uint16) (( RPM * circumference *60 )/1000); /* Multiply of 60 to convert min into hour & divide 1000 for m into Km */ /* Read the position counter value after the index event */ if (posCountValAft > posCountValBef) { direction = 1; /* Direction is farward */ } else { direction = 2; /* Direction is backward */ } /* Clear the Status flag. */ eqepREG2->QEPSTS |= 0x80U; } while(1) { sciDisplayText(sciREG1 ,&period, 2U); sciDisplayText(sciREG1,&RPM, 2U); sciDisplayText(sciREG1,&frequency, 2U); } } void sciDisplayText(sciBASE_t *sci, uint16 *text, uint32 length) { while (length--) { if (sci == sciREG1) { while ((sci->FLR & 0x4U) == 4U) { } sciSendByte(sciREG1 , *text++); } } } void wait(uint32 time) { while (time > 0U) { time--; } } /* USER CODE BEGIN (4) */ /* USER CODE BEGIN (3) */ /* USER CODE END */ /* USER CODE BEGIN (4) */ /* USER CODE END */
sir halcogen file is not supporting so i made in word document and i have sent
dear sir i have code and halcogen pass two days back , u told that will test and update , but still no update get sir , due that quadrature speed calculation is pending sir , please response as much as possible .
Hi Jeev,
First of all, apologies for the delay, i was stuck with some other important issues as well.
I understood why you are getting different results for delta period in debugging. This is because we should not measure the values in debug, If you set the breakpoints and try to measure the period register value, then only first value will be correct if you kept the breakpoint and run it then on second iteration you won't get the correct value, this is because at breakpoint the input quadrature pulses will not get stop they will keep on running the eQEP module so the period register value will increase even at the breakpoint also, and after you click run some random value will be in the period register and that will get moved to the period register.
And i also created one example project:
1. In this project what i did was i created Quadrature waveforms of frequency 50Hz with 90 degrees phase shift using RTI and GIO modules. Here what i did was i divided 20mS(50Hz) period into four parts and each part of 5mS
At first 5ms i am toggling GIOA0, at second 5ms i toggled GIOA1, third 5mS i toggled again GIOA0 and at forth 5ms interval i toggled GIOA1. In this way i just created a quadrature waveforms of 50Hz frequency and 90 degrees phase shift.
2. Now i connected these quadrature waves generated on GIOA0 (A5) and GIOA1 (C2) to the EQEP2A (V2) and EQEP2B (U1) respectively.
3. And i also modified the code in such way that, i calculated the delta period in microseconds and after that i am calculating the speed in RPM.
4. After this i did the debug:
You can see the correct values of the deltaT and speed in RPM after the first hit of the breakpoint
I got the deltaT value as 5000uS that means 5mS, this is because as we discussed we are applying 20mS quadrature waveforms right that means QCLK will become 5mS and we captured the same period exactly.
Now using that period, we can easily calculate the RPM of the motor using the given formula. Here i got the RPM as 3000 because i am considering encoder lines as 1 that means for every period of quadrature waveform(QA or QB), i am considering motor rotating 1 revolution. that means as we are applying 50Hz of frequency right so 50 revolutions per second that means per minute the revolutions will become 3000 (50*60).
I am attaching my code for your reference:
Remember if you set the breakpoint after period register then only first iteration you will get the correct value, you can do one thing you can remove the breakpoint and keep it in the continuous run and you can suddenly set the breakpoint then you can get the correct results again.
Thanks & regards,
dear sir (1) if i use capture prescaler value as 128 will it change input what iam giving from quadrature pulse generator ,
(2) then iam quadrature pulse generator as 30 PPR , so iam using formula for RPM = (frequency *60)PPR . its ok va sir beacuse i do no encoder line , resolution . sir if i use your formula what you used for calculate speed_RPM then for encoder line and resolution value will be same or differ .
thank you for ur response
Hi Jeev,
(1) if i use capture prescaler value as 128 will it change input what iam giving from quadrature pulse generator ,
Capture prescaler will not change input what you are giving, If you change the capture prescaler value then it will change the capture clock that applied to the capture unit as highlighted below.
It won't change your input quadrature pulse but it will affect your measured capture period, that is why you should consider this capture prescaler value also for period measurement as below:
(2) then iam quadrature pulse generator as 30 PPR , so iam using formula for RPM = (frequency *60)PPR . its ok va sir beacuse i do no encoder line , resolution . sir if i use your formula what you used for calculate speed_RPM then for encoder line and resolution value will be same or differ .
Actually, PPR is inversely proportional with RPM.
I mean the formula is below.
RPM = (Frequency * 60) / PPR
See, in our previous case we applied 50Hz waveform and we got RPM as 3000, right? In this case i considered PPR as one, that means 1 pulse for every revolution.
But consider if we have 2 pulses for revolution, that means we will get two pulses for every revolution, and we are getting overall 3000 (50*60) pules in a minute right so that our RPM will become 1500 only.
And also, please note this, in my code i gave one directive called "ENCODER_LINES" right?
This encoder lines nothing but PPR only, you can give your required PPM at this directive itself to get correct RPM.
Thanks & regards,
dear sir after executing the code and halcogen set up what u send , but even though its not giving correct value one time also , if i give input by set RPM 100 quadrature generator practically it should give frequency as 50 Hz and time period in microsecond it should get 2000 but instead of that its giving 2222, 24448, 600 , like this value its giving for 50 RPM its giving 0 ,88, 5 instead its should get 4000 , should i need to change any halcogen set up sir , otherwise any change in code . tell me sir as soon as possible
thank you sir
Hi Jeev,
No changes required in the code. You can see my results with 50Hz quadrature waveforms which are generated internally with RTI module right?
There you can see the perfect values. If you are using mu code and not getting proper results means then it should be input issue.
or else you just copies my .c code into your project then you should also make sure the HALCoGen configurations as well, i made little changes there.
Please make sure above things then definitely it should work.
Thanks & regards,
Dear sir in controller board i have oin GIOA_0 pin but no GIOA_1 so instead of that iam try to use GIOA_2 , if condition of status is not allow to go into inside . In this should i check ur code . then halcogen what u sent same thing only iam using , nothing i changed . If quadrature pulse generator is getting perfect , i check through oscilloscope also , after giving to controller in driver code register value is not getting properly , make sure u will response soon , its my request sir
thank you & regards,
i have attached schematic of controller which one iam using . instead of that iam trying to use pin 36 gioA_2 bt no use
Use J4 header 9 and 10 pins as highlighted below.
I used these pins only from my launchpad. I connected J4-9(GIOA_1) and J4-10(GIOA_0) with the J10-22(EQEP2B) and J10-21(EQEP2A) respectively. Please try to do the same at your end.
Thanks & regards,
dear sir after conneting respective pin which u said previous thread , i getting value in deltaT (micro sec) is 102381,40425,44289,70097,58419 , next while debuging if if condition i can able to do only time iteration , second time if try to its not allowing to inside if condition , after closing debug and then if u start to do debug then only its allowing me to if condition . iam using same halcogen setup and code also , nothing i have changed . please reply as much possible sir ,
thank you,
Hi Jeev,
I am really confused with your results.
Are you really using my code?
Either your testing process or code you took might be wrong!
I did one screen recording (From the downloading code to the debugging) and please follow the same process.
Thanks & regards,
dear sir , now its getting 5000 deltaT and 3000 speed , while keeping break point i need misstake , iam sry sir ,
but same code instead of gio and rti iam giving input from quadrature pulse generator to epeq2A and eqeq2B , by setting RPM = 100 and giving generated pulse , frequency should get 50 hz , time period "deltaT" is 2000 should get in micrsecond instead of that iam getting 5555, 3367, 590, like this value is gettiing , halcogen and code same iam using what u suggested , except gio and rti position . If need i sent screen record also , please make what i did mistake reply as soon as posible ,
thank you ,
dear sir i will attach two video file one is haalcogen and other one is code and debug section , please response fast its my humble request
thank you,
jeevaScreen Recording - Made with FlexClip (1).zip sir in this i have set RPM as 100 and gave pulse to pin eqep2A and eqep2B , actually time period i should get 2000 in micro second instead of that getting wrong value while debuging , please response fast sit,
thank you,
dear sry for disbance , till now no reply i from ur .please fiind value and give me its . corect value
Hi Jeev,
but same code instead of gio and rti iam giving input from quadrature pulse generator to epeq2A and eqeq2B , by setting RPM = 100 and giving generated pulse , frequency should get 50 hz , time period "deltaT" is 2000 should get in micrsecond instead of that iam getting 5555, 3367, 590,
If you apply 50Hz signal from quadrature pulse, then you will also get 5000 delataT only.
Actually, for 50Hz signal the time period is equal to 20mS right but as resolution will increase by 4 times, we should get only 5mS value that is 5000 deltaT.
In your results the first value of 5555 is closer to the 5000 only i mean it looks like correct, actually it is depending on the accuracy of the input. If your input is accurate then you should get exactly 5000 like what we get in RTI case. I am also suggesting you make sure there is a common ground between our TMS570 board and your pulse generator.
And please don't do step by step debugging and don't consider those values. Please once again watch the screen recording video i shared to you, you can verify how i am verifying the second iteration value (remove breakpoint keep it run in continuous and set break point in run time).
sir i did debug how u did in video which u sent , my excepted value is for 200 RPM frequency is 100 Hz means time period should get 10 milli sec , if its 4 time also its 40000 micro second in deltaT , instead something different is getting , i will attach video of debug
thank you,
jeevaScreen Recording - Made with FlexClip (2).zip
this one clarify enough for me , reply fast sir , today i need to report for this project
thank you ,
Hi Jeev,
I saw your video and you are not doing as i mentioned.
sir i did debug how u did in video which u sent , my excepted value is for 200 RPM frequency is 100 Hz means time period should get 10 milli sec , if its 4 time also its 40000 micro second in deltaT
And your expected deltaT is also wrong, you won't get 40000 value for 100Hz frequency.
See first understand what is deltaT
deltaT is the time period between two QCLK pulses.
If you apply 100Hz quadrature pulses then please calculate QCLK period, it is 2.5mS only. So your deltaT value in this case will become 2500 only. And as i can see your first value it is 2757 it is closer to the 2500. But still you are not debugging as i mentioned, you are just keeping the breakpoint at one place and you are running then you won't get correct values. You didn't watch the screen recording i shared properly.
If you still have confusion lets plan one live debugging session on tomorrow and i will explain there. Please share your meeting ID.
Thanks & regards,
once i will try sir , even though if i confuse means as per u should live debug we will make it sir , thank you very much for support sir ,
thank you,
dear sir i have took some reading from quadrature pulse generator that excel sheet i will share u sir , but not getting accurate value , after making common ground , some how closer to that value was getting , how i need to find distance and direction how should make for distance i will formula D = circumference * RPM ( no of rotation) , for find direction iam trying using status register some time its giving correct value some time wrong . please help me sir ,
thank you,
Hi Jeev,
i have took some reading from quadrature pulse generator that excel sheet i will share u sir , but not getting accurate value
It just depends on the accuracy of the input waveform to the eQEP module. You saw the results when we applied the waveforms from RTI module right. If your input is accurate then you will get accurate results.
how i need to find distance and direction how should make for distance i will formula D = circumference * RPM ( no of rotation) , for find direction iam trying using status register some time its giving correct value some time wrong
I think you should not consider applied RPM in the speed measurement.
So, i just added one more column called measured RPM, this is calculated based on the practical value of the deltaT and i used this RPM in the speed measurement.
And you will get direction from the QEPSTS[QDF] bit.
Thanks & regards,
For indication iam status register
const uint8_t QDF = 0; // Assuming QDF is a bit flag within QEPSTS register
if(eqepREG2->QEPSTS & (1 << QDF))
uint8_t direction = 1; /* forward direction */
uint8_t direction = 2; /* Reverse direction */
/* Clear the Status flag. */
eqepREG2->QEPSTS |= 0x80U;
but logic is fine sir , but getting only one register its not changing sir if exchange epe2A epep2B
distance = circumference * measured RPM it righr or wrong sir
thank you ,
Hi Jeev,
const uint8_t QDF = 0; // Assuming QDF is a bit flag within QEPSTS register
if(eqepREG2->QEPSTS & (1 << QDF))
Why are you verifying 0th bit in the QEPSTS register for QDF flag?
It is 5th bit, right?
Please modify your code as below:
if(eqepREG2->QEPSTS & (1 << 5))
uint8_t direction = 1; /* forward direction */
uint8_t direction = 2; /* Reverse direction */
/* Clear the Status flag. */
eqepREG2->QEPSTS |= 0x80U;
Use above code and test it.
distance = circumference * measured RPM it righr or wrong sir
Thanks & regards,
dear sir after iam testing and also getting same output , even if change pin also default getting 1 only after going modification , i share screen shot of debug
Thank you ,
Hi Jeeva,
I tested at my end, and it is working:
Before reversing the eQEP pins (Forward direction):
After reversing the eQEP pins (Reverse direction):
I didn't add any additional changes except the direction code to my old code:
Thanks & regards,
Thank you very much sir it getting , because of u only sir i can able to complete this project . thank you for your great support ,
thank you ,
Hi Jeev,
It's my pleasure to help you. Good to hear that you made it.
Please click on "Resolved" button for all quadrature issues.
Thanks & regards,