MSPM0G3507: Unable to draw various adc values through the booster's pack joystick

Part Number: MSPM0G3507


Hi, I want to make a program using MSPM0G3507 board and Booster Pack MK II, the aim of program is to take an adc value from the Y-axis movement of the joystick and then to display it using UART, also the to ring the buzzer present in the booster pack according to the adc value so that it can ring different tones. The problem I am having is the adc pin is only reading high and low i.e. if I remove the booster pack it shows 0, and if I put the booster pack in the board's pin it shows around 2040 and nearby values, but actually I want that it should change the values according to the Y - axis movement of the joystick.