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Dear Specialists,
I have a AM243X-LP demo-board. I successfully did "Flash SOC Initialization binary" on the AM243X-LP demo-board.
According to AM243X MCU+ SDK 10.00.00 "Getting Started" chapter's "EVM Setup" section, the next step is "SOC Initialization Using CCS Scripting".
I set the path to the SDK. The next step is to "Create Target Configuration" and "Launch Selected Configuration".
With the help of Mr. Tushar Thakur, I successfully created a "New TargetConfiguration".
On the EVM Setup section inside AM243x MCU+ SDK 10.00.00, the next step is to "Run the SOC Initialization Script" on the AM243X-LP section.
In this section, I setup the BOOTMODE 1-8(SW4) and then power on the AM243X-LP and then Launch Selected Configuration and I saw the "Debug" window appeared correctly.
On the next step is to run a script. But I couldn't get that script to finish successfully.
The error information in right hand side Scripting Console is as following (the left hand side Console has some completed echo message):
Can anybody help me to find out where was wrong to cause this fail.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards,
Jason Chiu.
Hi Jason,
Thanks for your query.
The error information in right hand side Scripting Console is as following (the left hand side Console has some completed echo message):
The default load_dmsc_hsfs.js script uses the sciclient_ccs_init.out binary which is build for AM243x-EVM and load it to R5F core.
Can you try with building a new sciclient_ccs_init.out binary for AM243x-LP?
To build the sciclient_ccs_init example, run the below command from the root directory of MCU+SDK.
gmake -s -C examples/drivers/sciclient/sciclient_ccs_init/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang/
Once the *.out is generated, keep the EVM in DEV BOOT mode and launch the target configuration.
Connect to R5F core and load the newly generated *.out on R5F core and run it. You will be able to see the initialization logs coming on the console.
Once the SoC is initialized, you will be able to connect to other cores.
Please let us know if the above solution works.
Dear specialists,
Thank you very much for your quick advice. However, I got an error:
Would you please help to tell me how to correct this problem when I execute gmake -c -C....
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Jason,
Please update the imports.mak file with the correct path of the CCS install directory.
The imports.mak file can be found inside ${MCU+SDK} install directory.
Hello Mr Tushar,
Thank you very much.
After I corrected the path of ccs1280 in the import., the print out message did have more progress, but it failed again.
The error message on executing gmake -s -C.... showed openssl not defined.
I put the "openssl path" in system-environment and then run gmake -s -C ... again, but the command-line-window returned with a blank next line (nothing? seemed no response to gmake -s -C ... command?)
Would you please help to comment what happened. What file should I check or what file do I need to delete so that you suggested command gmake -s -C... can work again?
Thank you very much,
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
Can you please check are you able to run the openssl from any directory?
Also can you try to run the below mentioned commands and check whether are you getting any output or not.
gmake -s -C examples/drivers/sciclient/sciclient_ccs_init/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang/ clean gmake -s -C examples/drivers/sciclient/sciclient_ccs_init/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang/
Hello Mr Tushar,
Thank you very much. the gmake -s -C.... was executed successfully.
After this, I go back to the top question post for the previous failed step: (to run a script"
loadJSFile "C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_{soc}_{sdk version}/tools/ccs_load/am243x/load_dmsc.js").
But I still got a timeout error below:
Would you please help to check what else could be wrong?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Jason,
Can you please confirm which device type are you using?
Are you using GP or HSFS?
Please refer faq-am6xx-how-to-check-if-device-type-is-hs-se-hs-fs-or-gp to check device type.
Hello Mr Tushar,
I am sorry that I attached a wrong run-script result screen capture (the BOOT MODE SELECTOR SW4 was set to QSPI mode).
Based on the instruction on SDK, the SW4 should be set to "NO BOOT MODE" to run the script.
The screen capture (fail to run script) below was the correct setting result.
You can see that the contents inside Console are different.
Would you please help to find out what else could be wrong to cause the script to fail?
(1). I was running different example file, and do I need to use "hello world" example to execute the script?
(2). I accidentally changed a setting inside AM2434_ALX.ccxml shown below: Could this be a problem?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
You should not bypass the M3 core initialization. This is the core which will be running the Device management operation.
Also I would like to know which device are you using? GP or HSFS?
The script you are running is meant for HSFS device. The bootmode you are using is NOBOOT which is supported from GP device.
Can you please keep the EVM in DEV BOOT if HSFS device is used and try once?
Please let us know the result.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much.
(1). I found the "load_dmsc.js" file from another version mcu+sdk (mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_08_06_00_45) for GP version AM2434-LP demo-board. I coupied that "load_dmsc.js" into the "mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_00_00_20", so I don't need to use "load_dmsc_hsfs.js".
(2). I copied an old AM2434_ALX.ccxml with M3 to be in a preset condition (M3 was not bypassed).
(3). I still use the "NO BOOT MODE" option on SW4.
(4). I changed the "load_dmsc.js" internal settings as the attached file below:
(5). I tried to run the script twice, because I got errors. Please see the screen capture for the error messages.
The first error was the same as before: Time out.
The second error was strange. I felt that I need to do certain "clean?" operation before the script could run properly.
Would you please help to advice what settings could be wrong to cause the errors?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
I am little confused with the above discussion. Are you using a GP device?
If yes, Please use the SDK v08.06, after this version GP devices are no longer supported with newer SDKs.
From the screenshot shared above, I can still see you are running the same load_dmsc_hsfs.js script. Have you replaced the content of load_dmsc_hsfs.js with load_dmsc.js.
Please provide additional clarification on above.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much. I am sorry to make you confused.
Maybe we can try to start this again (target is to run scripting console successfully, so that I could start to use PRU cores).
I think I was using a chip with security: Please see the photos on top of the chip (demo-board supplied chip):
(1). In this case, maybe you could start to guide me to proceed from beginning, say what settings (on SW4) the AM243x-LP board should should be. Thank you for your helps to guide me to correct several PATH problems (gmake path was ok now, openssl path was ok now).
(2). If I could use "load_dmsc_hsfs.js", what contents (which lines) should I change inside that "load_dmsc_hsfs.js" file? I can change those lines and provide screen print for you to check on the next reply.
(3). Before I run "load_dmsc_hsfs.js" inside scripting console, is there anything else can I check to make the script able to run?
(4). Beside that "Scripting Console" error message to be captured for you, is there anything (run other extra script to collect print out) I could collect for you to identify the cause of the time-out-error?
Thank you very much for your great helps. I do learned some setting details of CCS environment. :)
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
I think I was using a chip with security:
I am assuming that you are using a HSFS device. To confirm the same you can follow the steps suggested in the below FAQ.
FAQ - faq-am6xx-how-to-check-if-device-type-is-hs-se-hs-fs-or-gp
Can you please try the below steps and let me know the results?
gmake -s -C examples/drivers/sciclient/sciclient_ccs_init/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang/ clean gmake -s -C examples/drivers/sciclient/sciclient_ccs_init/am243x-lp/r5fss0-0_nortos/ti-arm-clang/
After following the above mentioned steps, you will be able to see the SoC initialization logs.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
I was busy on another TI chip MSP430... last week and sorry for late reply to you.
I got correct MCU ID below (thank you:-)
But I got error on your next instruction:
It seemed that I am closer to be able to run that script.
Would you please help to find what was the cause of the script problem?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
Thanks for providing above details.
You will need to the run the command from SDK's root directory. Please refer below video.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I run the gmake inside a command prompt window and inside sdk folder and I got a success on "clean" operation below:
I got (系統找不到指定的檔案=system couldn't find the specified file) error in gmake again:
Would you please help to find out where was wrong?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.
Hi Mr. Jason,
It seems like you don't have python installed on your system.
Can you please install python and add it to Environment variables?
Please make sure you are able to access the python from any directory.
Please refer below image.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
I installed python3.7.3 before and I corrected the path before. Now the path couldn't work. Even after I re-type the path, it still couldn't work. Because I was not able to solve the path problem, i copied python.exe, python3.dll, python37.dll, pythonw.exe, and vcruntime140.dll into the sdk folder.
Before I copy those python files into the sdk folder, I tried to re-install the sdk again (still in C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_10_00_00_20\ folder).
After all the above operations, I re-run the gmake -s -C .\examples\drivers\sciclient\sciclient_ccs_init\am243x-lp\r5fss0-0_nortos\ti-arm-clang inside the sdk folder: C:\ti\mcu_plus_sdk_am43x_10_00_00_20\ inside command prompt window, but this time the error message is different:
Would you please help to check what went wrong?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.
Hello Mr.Jason,
I think the python error is not there any more. Now the error logs are different.
Do you have CCS installed in your system? Which version of CCS are you using?
Please refer SDK_TOOLS_DOWNLOAD for required tools.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
I also noticed the same problem:
I installed long ago the CCS-version12.7 and now the CCS-version1280, but some error message show not version1280.
If this is the cause of the problem, I could re-install ccs, but I don't know how to remove cleanly the old installations (including strange path...).
Would you please help to comment what do correct the ccs problem? If this is the cause of the problem.
Thank you very much. JasonChiu.
Hi Mr. Jason,
No need to install the CCS again. You can simply update the path of installed CCS in imports.mak file located at root of MCU+SDK install directory.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
Yes, you are right, I modified "import.mak" file path again and gmake works:-)
I did that modify once before with your suggestion, and today I re-install the sdk and it appeared again.
Thank you very much for teaching me again.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
I tried to complete your instructions in one of the previous reply, but don't know how to do it.
Would you please help to give me more detail guides?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.
Hello Mr. Tushar,
I tried to "Test Connect" to R5_0_0 as below: Is this what you mean to connect to R5_0_0?
Please comment.
Thank you very much.
Best Regards, Jason Chiu.
Hello Mr. Jason,
Please follow the steps suggested in the video provided at
Also please refer to CCS_LAUNCH_PAGE
Hello Mr. Tushar,
Thank you very much. The setup was running like your video now.
Best Regards, JasonChiu.