Hi, can AM243x OSPI work with a PSRAM? If so, which are the HW and SW modifications required? When is OSPI PSRAM a good fit as memory expansion?
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Hi, can AM243x OSPI work with a PSRAM? If so, which are the HW and SW modifications required? When is OSPI PSRAM a good fit as memory expansion?
Yes, AM243x OSPI can be connected to a PSRAM.
Below we explain motivation, and provide a summary of HW/SW changes required to add an AP Memory (APS6408L-OBM-BA) to AM243x EVM
Motivation: Some applications require additional memory. While DDR, FLASH are options, sometimes they are not the correct fit. Some examples below:
DDR might not be a preferred solution due to:
Flash might also not be good solution due to:
Hardware modification:
AM243x EVM + OSPI PSAM schematics:
Note: Above schematic can be used as a reference. Currently this board is not sold in
To enable OSPI PSRAM a high-speed switch was added to the board
High Speed Switch (S3DDR3812RUAR) uses OSPI_SW_SEL to select between OSPI Flash (low) and OSPI RAM (high). There is a 10K pull-down on OSPI_SW_SEL to default to OSPI FLASH.
IO Expander I2C is used to set OSPI_SW_SEL. Pin23 (20) corresponds to OSPI_SW_SEL.
Software modifications:
Modification of MCU+SDK, and an example application with a driver can be found at TI's Github Beyond SDK
Beyond SDK: GitHub - TexasInstruments/Beyond-SDK
AM243x OSPI PSAM example: Beyond-SDK/am243x/examples at main · TexasInstruments/Beyond-SDK · GitHub
Readme (Beyond-SDK/am243x/examples/ospi/ospi_psram_io/am243x-evm/r5fss0-0_nortos/Docs at main · TexasInstruments/Beyond-SDK · GitHub) explains how to patch MCU+SDK and gives a brief introduction on included files and how to build the project.
For running the application users can flash application or can use CCS JTAG to load *.out