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I'm trying to flash my code from code composer studio Theia to the MSPM0C-1104 microcontroller, but I keep getting this error.
I try to Force Reset, but the same error keeps appearing.
I've also tried Mass Erase but to no avail. It says that it's not available for the device.
Thank you
Hi Rafael,
You are attempting to flash code on the MSPM0C1306 Launchpad, correct? Have you made any changes to the NONMAIN section of memory? Which low power mode (policy) are you using?
Hi Dennnis,
Yes, exactly, I'm trying to program the launchpad.
Regarding writing to NONMAIN, I can't be sure if I did it or not, because I've been testing the example code for writing to flash and I've been testing various addresses in different sectors of the flash, but I didn't know that there were critical write zones.
As for the lower mode policy, I used the one configured with the standby0 example.
Thank you.
Hi Rafael,
No, for access to NONMAIN, you have to explicitly make any changes through Sysconfig, so no concerns with you writing to locations in FLASH.
So you just used one of the example code projects from the SDK. Did you make any changes to the code like disabling SWD pins or converting the NSRT pin function to GPIO? Were you able to program the Launchpad at least once, the first time?
Hi Dennis,
I used the MSMP0C-SDK example code for writing to flash. And as I said I changed the write address to some random values if for some reason the value was in this range belonging to NONMAIN, could that have been the problem?
As far as changes to SYSCONFIG are concerned, I haven't made any GPIO changes.
Thank you.
Hi Rafael,
I got this wrong. I double-checked and apparently it is possible to modify NONMAIN from the application. Doing so effectively locks the device permanently, unfortunately.
So in your application you are not certain which address' you were writing too, correct? If you stay within the FLASH boundaries 0x0000 - 0xFFFF, it shouldn't be any issue.
I have reached out to our SW tools team for additional comments/help.
Thank you Dennis for the help,
I have the preception that I had tryed write outside of this range, so maybe i write in the NONMAIN sector, in this case i locked the MCU, and this locked is irreversivel right?
Best regards,
Yes, unfortunately once NONMAIN becomes corrupted, the device will lock to prevent any access for security reasons.
Let me make sure I have all the information about this were successfully programming the launchpad before it became locked, correct?