AM2432: TI UNIFLASH - Flash SBL and application on Flash with OSPI

Part Number: AM2432
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH,


Hi all,

I have a question regarding use of TI UNIFLASH tool for flashing AM2432. In particular, I have to write code in Flash with OSPI controller.

On my board I have only  two boot mode possibilities:



I need to flash AM2432 avoiding sbl_jtag_uniflash program and if I can use a tool like TI UNIFLASH can be good in OSPI BOOT mode.

Is there a way to program my board with this tool with these two boot modes? Do I have to prepare some loader for using this tool?

Up to now, I saw that it's possible putting device in UART BOOT MODE.



  • Hi Stefano,

    TI Uniflash has an option for flashing via JTAG in No boot/Dev boot mode but that also uses sbl_jtag_uniflash. If you only have these 2 boot mode options then  sbl_jtag_uniflash if the only option in SDK available for flashing.

    Best Regards,
