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Cortex M4 substitute for an M3 in a new design

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM3S2739

Dear Sirs,
I am surprised that a wonderful family of M3 processor is going to be NRND.
But anyway I have to deal with it.

I am currently redesigning a board for a slightly different application, and even if 40-60% of the code will remain the same I believe this configures it as a "new design".
So I am looking into the M4 series, finding very few active parts at the moment.

The former design was build on a LM3S2739, and I am looking for an M4 replacement part.
The design must be in production within few months.
It's a different design so I don't mind pin compatibility, but the following features are mandatory:

- PWM for Motor control
- Analog input, possibly more than 10 bits and 4 channels available on the older part
- CAN controller
- Some additional timers to be used as additional PWM
- Possibly the Floating point unit, even if not strictly necessary.

What available part can you suggest in the M4 series?
Or what preview part you suggest to be switched to  future production part (pin compatible)?


  • Maurizio,

    Thank you for your question. Sounds like an LM4F212 is probably a good fit, but check out the LM4F selection tool to make sure!

  • Thanks Miguel for your answer.

    Unfortunately the entire LM4F21x family is indicated as PREVIEW in the selection tool.

    Any idea when they will become available?

    According to our development plans, I need 3-4 samples within Decembere-January.
    And probably a hundred or so in February-March.

    Is there a possibility to really start with the new processor, or it is bettere to stick with the LM3S2739 for now?


  • Maurizio,

    We are not stocking pre-RTP silicon in worldwide distribution, so please contact your local TI office to see if they can help you place your sample orders. Your sample quantities for LM4F should not be a problem.

  • Hi Miguel,

    After about 10 days trying to figure out how to get answers about LM4F availability, I am on the way to give up.

    To make the story shot:

    I sent multiple email to Avnet, Silica, Arrow, Ebv using either the generic web contact form and using specific email addresses.
    They never replied, in some cases not event an automatic reply.

    I sent the same request to Farnell, which happened to reply, but after few mail exchanges they suggested to contact Ti.

    Now, this is the classic "Catch 22" problem and I am out of distributors now ...

    How it is possible that you suggest to contact your distributors and none of them have any information about this matter?
    Any other suggestion?


  • Here is my summary of the problem posted yesterday...

    I phoned TI and asked for Greg Delagi.

    First I got a lecture wherein it was explained to me that one could not phone TI and ask to speak to a senior executive. (The lady seemed outraged that I would dare to ask for an audience -- maybe I was wrong though maybe it was the bad connection.)

    Soooo... I explained the NRND issue and asked who I should talk to. I pointed out that the NRND decision had to have come from his office. I pointed out that a support engineer would not likely be able to change the decision and that the complaint would have to be dealt with by senior management -- even if it was decided to ignore the complaint -- that was at least a decision.

    I left my home phone number and suggested that they could call me at any time and I would explain the issue politely and leave the rest to them.

    In the past I have been in a similar position to Greg Delagi and any call from anybody was accepted by my admin assistant  -- many clients even called me at home with urgent matters -- the assistant would pass the call to me if she could not resolve the issue on the spot. All calls were returned. Our sales were well over $1B a year -- just sayin'. Nobody ever got outraged no matter who was calling... In the past I have dealt with executives from IBM, Sun, Apple, Microsoft, DEC, Honeywell and CDC -- never got a story like today. Now I realize that I am a nobody these days... but still... In the past I bought $ millions of dollars of TI goods per year -- nobody had trouble taking my calls then..

    Not that I expect a return call...  but it would be nice.

    Let me know if you do any better.

    Maybe if I told 2 engineers to call him and they each told 2 engineers to do the same...

  • Mau,

    I sent you a friend request on the E2E so we can sync up offline. We can find a way to get you samples.

  • Thanks Miguel for your kind attention.

    But getting samples is only half of the problem.

    I need a plan too.
    I need to know when the devices will be available to the general customer, before committing my design to a device.
    I am not going to be a multimillion $ customer for Ti, so I am not expecting to close this deal with Ti CEO.
    I need to know when it will be possible for me to go out and buy few hundreds pieces in the shop next door (or so...).
    Or at least to be sure it will be possible to have them directly from Ti.

    I think all designers in this forum (and in the world) need to know this piece of information too.

    Sorry for my disappointment, and please don't take it personal.
    I "know" it's not your fault.
    On the contrary I really appreciate your efforts.

    Kind Regards.
    Have Nice Holidays.