I just completed three designs using Cortex M3, and now they are all NRND?!? Currently, there are no direct replacements for my M3 designs with the new M4 ones, so my questions are going to be obvious, but need to be asked:
Will my M3 parts (LM3S618, LM3S818, LM3S5R31) continue to be WIDELY AVAILABLE and for HOW LONG?
Will there be M4 parts with small package size (like 48LQFP) be available, and when?
Are there plans for M4 replacements of M3 parts (especially those listed above) that are drop-in replacemens (pin-compatability, electrically, etc.)?
Is there a cost increase for M3 parts? For M4 parts?
I read another forum question that had some answers, but I need the specifics and re-assurance. Also I'm sure that others will soon find out about their M3 parts being NRND and look for the answers here.
urgently yours,