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RM42: Flash problem with debugger XDS100v2

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: RM42L432

Hi everyone,

I have following problem on RM42 target:

If I want to flash my program into RM42 target the Loading process will end/keep on 99% without any error message. When I reduce my program size then it works.

In attachment there is a simple example program (CCS program, see "") for RM42 with the above error behavior. In sys_main.c there is an array with size = 14900 to analyze the flashing problem. After reducing the array size to 14800 the flashing error doesn't occurs.

Furthermore I added the logging of flash process in attachment "RM42FlashingProblem.txt ".

I suppose it is an problem with  the file "rm42l432.gel" but i'm not sure.
