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Stands to argue the EMAC0 DMA would never have direct access to bit band SRAM memory region defined in the memory range macro below. Memory map table shows Logical bit bad region 0x2000.0000 - 0x2006.FFFF}.
Why should we need a blocking macro if the DMA only has access to physical address for storing descriptors and FIFO data?
Same goes for (pbuf_alloc()), would not the object link to what ever the defined .data space is defined in LWIP as the Heap?
Does not (lwipopts.h) specify physical SRAM range for allocating (Pbufs) called (MEM_LIBC_MALLOC==0) or the Heap?
Text below states DMA data buffers exist in physical SRAM address space {0x0000.0000 - 0x0003.FFFF} or 262,143KB total SRAM boundary?
Macro at bottom of post blocks and tests {if NOT logical bit band } memory space Ok to allocate (Pbufs) in physical memory space?
Why does the DMA need to be constrained to physical memory?
>> Might that test ever have the reverse effect then physical data can cross into the applications bit band .data space?
/* Does this pbuf's payload reside in memory that the Ethernet DMA * can access? */ if(!PTR_SAFE_FOR_EMAC_DMA(pBuf->payload)) { /* This buffer is outside the DMA-able memory space so we need * to copy the pbuf. */ pBuf = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT, p->tot_len, PBUF_RAM);
Data sheet:
The descriptor lists reside in the SRAM memory address space. Each descriptor can point to a maximum of two buffers. This enables two buffers to be used at different physical addresses rather than contiguous buffers in memory. The data buffer also resides in the physical memory space and consists of an entire frame or part of a frame, but cannot exceed a single frame. Note: The EMAC DMA Controller only has access to internal system SRAM memory.
/** * A macro which determines whether a pointer is within the SRAM address * space and, hence, points to a buffer that the Ethernet MAC can directly * DMA from. */ #define PTR_SAFE_FOR_EMAC_DMA(ptr) (((uint32_t)(ptr) >= 0x2000000) && \ ((uint32_t)(ptr) < 0x20070000))
BTW: Consequently the pbuf's payload comes off the Heap when we Transmit a packet, placed in the TX-FIFO by EMAC0 DMA.
Does it not stand to reason the DMA-able payload write space is defined by hardware alone not the software restriction macro?
Perhaps to misunderstand the reason why ever need to copy (pBuf) from Bit band SRAM onto the Heap. Better yet how (pBuf) could ever escape the Heap after or during pbuf_alloc().
Macro text suggest it will only copy the pointers to buffers (pBuf) if NOT found in physical DMA memory. Oddly pointer (p)->Buffer allocation is seemingly read/write via Heap never accessed bit band memory directly. Again the scatter gather hardware process handles transfer from the Heap to physical data SRAM data locations.
The same may not hold true of Tx/Rx Descriptors stored in physical memory awaiting later allocation to a (pBuf) assigned by LWIP to be placed on the Heap.
*Note: Discovered STATS debug is enabled on all sections (tiva-tm4c129.c) when the user has set DEBUG=0 in (lwipopts.h) or other location. Simply remove (def) and leave the (if) from all debugs make them inactive code. We use bubble gum pink for inactive code preference in CCS and think of watermelon bubble gum most all day long. :-)
May we note that the "addition" of "?" - to terminate an (otherwise) declarative sentence - may confound/confuse... (i.e. thread's title)
My read - such (often) constitutes a "shout" - in which the writer seeks to (overwhelm) - does not (really) seek a 2nd opinion...
You Sir - prove once more - to be a master communicator. Some may challenge such methods - I'm merely a simple reporter...
Have come to know CB1 that master of phonetics. Often requires lessor intellects time to decipher the advanced and sometimes encrypted payloads meaning.
Perhaps should merely ask: Why is physical memory referred to as SRAM when it doesn't appear to be physically accessible?
Bit Banded SRAM to me is considered logical being the memory map address size exceeds the physical kilobytes by 2x. The logical addressable map space does not directly represent stored data bit span 256KBytes in 1:1 ratio. The logical approach stems back to 1980's Intel days when address segment offsetting gained access to 1 megabyte of physical DRAM via 16 bit registers of the 8086 CPU. Recall Intel first broke the 128KB, later 256KB address space barrier. Reminds of those RAS/CAS refresh cycle days.
Data sheet states descriptor Lists are located and stored in physical memory and SRAM both.
How can SRAM be both physical and logical in the same paragraph, leaves puzzled looks of apprehension ones face. The datasheet puts forth no evidence of there being any physical addressable memory at 0x2000.0000-2003.FFFF or 256KB. Instead the memory map shows Bit band 0x2000.0000-0x2006.FFFF or 512KB. The MPU architecture claims to have 256KB of SRAM.
Where on Earth would a pBuf exist other than SRAM after the DMA retrieves or transfers the data to or from the FIFO and the pBuf freed or re-allocated?
By the datasheet text the pointer (p) could never exist outside of DMAable SRAM as Bit Band memory address space bus control prohibits such mayhem. Or does it? Time bomb payload acts like some kind of C+ embedded virus that sneaks in under the radar.
Tivaware complains sub set out of range upon trying to assign any address value other than 0x0000.0000 to both REG-55 or 56. Seemingly the struct configured in ~ListSet believes Reg-55,56 should always be zero so why then even have these registers? Seems to me a ground stomping Hatfield & McCoy's feud rises flags inside TM4c kingdom and neither side is willing to admit or submit to any turf gained.
// // Set descriptor pointers [physical SRAM address] in the hardware. // EMACRxDMADescriptorListSet(EMAC0_BASE, &g_pRxDescriptors[0].Desc); EMACTxDMADescriptorListSet(EMAC0_BASE, &g_pTxDescriptors[0].Desc);
The hosts physical memory is located where in the data sheet memory map or might that imply the Heap?
According to the data sheet REG-55 ,56 points to the physical start address where the descriptor list exists, Not to the actual struct alias pointer to the descriptor. Reason deducts that address to be 0x2000.0000. Have read several program notes, refers the Host to be the CPU and at times the application. Very confusing this word host used in the context of physical memory.
//***************************************************************************** // //! Sets the DMA receive descriptor list pointer. //! //! \param ui32Base is the base address of the controller. //! \param pDescriptor points to the first DMA descriptor in the list to //! be passed to the receive DMA engine. //! //! This function sets the Ethernet MAC's receive DMA descriptor list pointer. //! The \e pDescriptor pointer must point to one or more descriptor //! structures. //! //! \return None. // //***************************************************************************** void EMACRxDMADescriptorListSet(uint32_t ui32Base, tEMACDMADescriptor *pDescriptor) { // // Parameter sanity check. // ASSERT(pDescriptor); ASSERT(((uint32_t)pDescriptor & 3) == 0); // // Write the supplied address to the MACRXDLADDR register. // HWREG(ui32Base + EMAC_O_RXDLADDR) = (uint32_t)pDescriptor; }
Not Explicitly clear in the memory map and placed below the topic of Enhanced DMA descriptors is found that mysterious Physical memory.
What/where are the memory map location for TX/RX FIFO's?
Logic dictates they live at address: Ethernet Controller 0x400E.C000 0x400E.CFFF (4096KB). Yet there are many addressable registers of the EMAC and one might not easily deduct this to relate to physical FIFO memory . Remaining unclear is why REG-55, 56 can not be set to some other base address or TX/RX 0x400E.C000. So then from the disclosure information of the datasheet RX/TX-Descriptor list (pointers) are home in (EMAC SRAM) and not merely SRAM.
20.3.4 TX/RX Controller
The TX/RX Controller consists of a FIFO memory which buffers and regulates the frames betweenthe system memory and the MAC. It also controls the data transferred between clock domains. Both the transmit and receive data paths are 32-bits wide. The TX FIFO and RX FIFO are each 2 KB in depth. At reset, the TX/RX Controller is configured and ready to manage data flow to and from the DMA to the MAC. Note that the DMA and MAC must be initialized by the application out of reset.