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I am trying to get the LM Flash to work using the Ethernet. I am using the ROM boot loader and it works fine with a eval board. But I am trying to do the same thing at a customer site on their custom board. I can get so far into the process. The UDP magic packet is detected and the BOOTP packets are sent from the board, but it looks like something strange is happening with the TFTP packets. Below is the Wireshark from the board. The TFTP read request doesn't look right compared to what I get on the eval board (see below). For a start the dst address is rather than the address of the pc. Also the TFTP request has a lot of parameters missing. The only thing I can see that is different is that I am not getting an ARP packet from the board. Would this cause the issue of is it something else?
Hi Jon,
Below is what I capture running the ROM-based Ethernet bootloader. My board's IP is and my PC's IP is I do not see a problem.
In your capture, I do not see any ARP. The ARP is needed to resolve the PC's MAC address. Is it possible that you forget to update the board's IP and MAC addresses in the LM flash programmer when you use the custom board at your customer's site. Remember that both of them will be different compared to your LaunchPad when you were running it at your own office network. See below, I specify the IP address and the MAC address in the LM flash programmer. Your PC is not just a TFTP server but also a BOOTP server. However, unlike DHCP, the BootP is static and you need to associate the IP address with the MAC address manually. Therefore, I will suggest you check two things.
1. Does your customer's board have a MAC programmed in the flash. I think this is an likely problem. Bear in mind that the LaunchPad is pre-programmed with the MAC address by the factory. The custom part will not be pre-programmed with the MAC address. Your customer will need to acquire the MAC address that is assigned to his company. You can program the custom MAC address using the LM flash programmer. You can use Uniflash to program the MAC address if your debug probe is XDS100 or XDS200.
2. Next check if you have entered the correct IP and MAC addresses in the configuration tab.
Hi Charles
At the moment I have specified a MAC address for the lwip init. I just used the TI one from my eval board. But does the ROM boot loader need to have this in flash? Everything seems to work fine up until the TFTP starts. As far as I can see the LM flash has the correct IP and MAC address.
// Set the MAC address mac_user0 = 0x0076ff70; mac_user1 = 0x00fd6f1d; mac_addr[0] = ((mac_user0 >> 0) & 0xff); mac_addr[1] = ((mac_user0 >> 8) & 0xff); mac_addr[2] = ((mac_user0 >> 16) & 0xff); mac_addr[3] = ((mac_user1 >> 0) & 0xff); mac_addr[4] = ((mac_user1 >> 8) & 0xff); mac_addr[5] = ((mac_user1 >> 16) & 0xff); // Init LWIP lwIPInit(g_ui32SysClock, mac_addr, (IP_ADDR_VAL1<<24) | (IP_ADDR_VAL2<<16) | (IP_ADDR_VAL3<<8) | IP_ADDR_VAL4, // IP (SUB_ADDR_VAL1<<24) | (SUB_ADDR_VAL2<<16) | (SUB_ADDR_VAL3<<8) | SUB_ADDR_VAL4, // Subnet (GW_ADDR_VAL1<<24) | (GW_ADDR_VAL2<<16) | (GW_ADDR_VAL3<<8) | GW_ADDR_VAL4, // Gateway IPADDR_USE_STATIC);
Hi Jon,
I thought you were using the ROM bootloader with the MCU's flash erased. The TM4C129 has the built-in ROM bootloader and I thought that was what you were using. I'm not sure what you are showing in the code. That is your application, not the bootloader. Even if you use the flash-based Ethernet bootloader, the LwIP is not involved.
Can you retrieve the MAC address by using the Uniflash tool? If you don't believe the MAC address is the issue, can you run your launchPad in your customer's network? We need to make sure if there is something that is specific to your customer's network or the TFTP server on that work. If possible, can you even try your customer's board on your own office network?
Hi Charles
The code I sent was just the LWIP code that is used initially. I thought this was required to capture the UDP magic packet before the boot loader took over.
I programmed the MAC using Uniflash and read it back. That is fine.Unfortunately I cant try the board as I am remote debugging it (customer is on the other side of the world). If the boot loader is built into the ROM then I have no reason to think that is not OK. The only thing I can think is that the ARP packets are being stopped on the network. The BOOTP reply from the board has the correct client and server IP address so the board seems to have everything it needs.
I guess the only other thing would be to try the flash boot loader and see if that behaves the same.
Hi Jon,
Jon Bean1 said:I thought this was required to capture the UDP magic packet before the boot loader took over.
The magic packet is sent by the bootP server, not by your board. Your application is supposed to listen for a magic packet telling that a firmware upgrade request is being made and, when this packet is received, transfers control into the boot loader (either the ROM bootloader or the flash bootloader) to perform the upgrade. In the LM Flash Program, when you hit the 'Program' button it sends out the magic packet. The magic packet comprises 6 bytes of 0xAA followed by the target MAC address repeated 4 times.
Jon Bean1 said:Unfortunately I cant try the board as I am remote debugging it (customer is on the other side of the world). If the boot loader is built into the ROM then I have no reason to think that is not OK. The only thing I can think is that the ARP packets are being stopped on the network.
Are you saying both the TFTP sever and the board are at the remote side? The important thing is that the board and the TFTF/BOOTP server are on the same LAN. If the board and the BootP/TFTP server are not on the same network then it will not work.
Jon Bean1 said:I programmed the MAC using Uniflash and read it back.
Again, is the the board at the remote site?
Jon, perhaps I was a bit confused in the beginning and may have misunderstood your setup. At first, I thought the flash was completely erased. You were using the build-in ROM bootloader to boot and update the application firmware. Now, I feel that you already have your application in the flash and your application is listening for the magic packet from the BootP server. When the magic packet arrives you will transfer the control from your application to the ROM bootloader. Is this the correct understanding?
Hi Charles
Sorry for the confusion. The setup is that the board and the laptop that the LM flash is running on is at the customer site. They are on the same network.
At the moment I am using the ROM boot loader example project. That sets up the LWIP but maybe that isn't actually required for it to work.
I get the feeling that its something network related. If I look look at the TFTP packet then the MAC of the laptop is empty. The issue seems to be down to the ARP packets that are not there. I guess the board must be sending them as the boot loader is a verified piece of code. I cam only think they are getting dropped somewhere.
Hi Jon,
You might want to check the Boot Reply packet. The Boot Reply from the server is supposed to contain the server's IP address. Once the client obtains the server's address it can send the ARP to find out server's MAC address. Why is the laptop's MAC empty? Perhaps the client didn't get the IP address of the server or just as you stated the ARP didn't finish. In your wireshark capture, the ARP packet is not even shown.
Hi Jon,
Earlier you said you programmed the MAC address and read it back fine. If this is the case, the client is supposed to put out the correct MAC address for the DST address. I really don't know why a 0 address is put out. Please note that not only the MAC address is 0 but also the DST IP address. This is why I ask to check the Boot Reply. Expand the Boot Reply packet and find out what is in that reply packet.
I'm also curious when you said you programmed the MAC address and read it back fine. What tool did you use to program this "remote" board at your customer's network. Note that the LM flash programmer can only work with ICDI debug probe. What debug probe does your customer use? The Uniflash tool can work with more debug probes such as XDS100 and XDS200.
Hi Charles
The BOOTP reply from the board is shown in my prev message. You can see that the two IP addresses are OK. The TFTP read request from the board has the DST address as 0. I can only think that because the ARP messages are not being seen that the board never gets the MAC address of the pc. It then just uses 0 as the MAC address of the pc as it doesnt have any other address to use.
Hi Jon,
Agree that something is wrong with the ARP. Perhaps you want to ask your customer if he has a launchPad that he can connect to network so you can test if the ARP is working or not.