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I am doing some experiments with the I2C peripheral to understand it better. When in non-repeat mode master transmitter, I enable STT and STP bits after putting data in TX FIFO. The code is as follows:
I2C_setSlaveAddress(I2CA_BASE, 0x01); //Set as master transmitter I2C_setConfig(I2CA_BASE, (I2C_MASTER_SEND_MODE)); //Setup how many bytes to send I2C_setDataCount(I2CA_BASE, 0x02); //Configure fifo data for EEPROM address I2C_putData(I2CA_BASE, (address>>8) & 0xFF); I2C_putData(I2CA_BASE, address & 0xFF); I2C_sendStartCondition(I2CA_BASE); I2C_sendStopCondition(I2CA_BASE); DEVICE_DELAY_US(150U); if(I2C_getStatus(I2CA_BASE) & I2C_STR_NACK) { I2C_clearStatus(I2CA_BASE, I2C_STS_NO_ACK); I2C_sendStopCondition(I2CA_BASE); I2C_disableFIFO(I2CA_BASE); I2C_enableFIFO(I2CA_BASE); SysCtl_delay(2000); WaitCount++; }
If the microcontroller recieves NACK from slave receiver (line 17 breakpoint), I see that SDA line is high, SCL line stays low, BB = 1, MST = 1, which means STOP condition has not been generated. But STP = 0, STT = 0. The register snapshot at line 17 is below:
STOP condition is generated only when STP is set once again (line 20).
I did not find any mention in TRM about STP bit being reset due to NACK received
Could anyone please give a clarification regarding this behaviour?
That is the expected behavior. In response to a NACK the hardware cleans I2CMDR.STP, holds SCL low, and sets I2CSTR.NACK. Setting I2CMDR.STP again to release SCL is the correct way to handle this.
Hi Whitney,
I could not find this documented in the TRM. Could this be added in future?