Hi team,
I have few questions regarding F28P65x memory allocation.
1. Memory 0x008000 to 0x00B999 is mentioned as can be used as CPU1 LSRAM or CLA program/data memory or D2/D3 CPU2. In the linker command file, however, it is mentioned that if we use this memory in CPU1 then we have to use 0x01A000 which is a different address. However, 0x01A000 address is mentioned as D2 RAM for CPU1 and not applicable (-) for CPU2. This is a bit confusing.
Also are there any registers which gives access control to these locations?
2. Same question as above for memory 0x00C000 to 0x00F999
3. Memory 0x004000 to 0x007999 is mentioned as LS8-9(Cla1 Program memory) and Peripherals for CPU1 and CPU2. Does this mean the peripherals mentioned can read and write from these address? I need more clarity on the peripherals memory.
Thanks and regards,