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LAUNCHXL-F28069M: Unable to spin motor with BoostXL Drv8301and 2MTR-DYNO InstaSPIN-FOC Evaluation Module

Part Number: LAUNCHXL-F28069M

Dear Sir,

 I have purchased LaunchPad F28069M with BoostXL Drv8301 and 2MTR-DYNO InstaSPIN-FOC Evaluation Module.

I have installed code composer studio 12.4.0,
I have installed motorware

I have installed BoostXL Drv8301 on J1-J4

I have linked project proj_lab02a, but not copied.
I have build proj_lab02a linker file f28069F_ram_lnk.cmd,
& flashed in LaunchPad F28069M,
& copied proj_lab02a.out file in
and renamed to AppProgram.out,

  Now my problems is : when I start Gui & enable & run, Motor is stalled & by manually rotating it with couple of spins 1-2 it starts and after some time it stop automatically or even if holded the spin by fingers it wont spin..

Please Note:
I also tried proj_lab02a linker file f28069M_ram_lnk.cmd
I also tried proj_lab021 linker file f28069F_ram_lnk.cmd
I also tried proj_lab021 linker file f28069M_ram_lnk.cmd
I have connected only one motor.

My supply volt on PVDD is 15 Volt. (Attached Image for reference.

Deeply awaiting your reply. Thanks in advance.


  V. Gohil

  • Hi,

    Can you provide a screenshot of your GUI configuration you're using? Have you followed steps in 'qsg_gui_universal.pdf' doc in directory below?




  • Hi,

    Mean while you have answered my question, i have seen there was a build warning for compiler version.

    I changed it in proj_lab02a property page to to Ti v22.6.0LTS,

    Now It is working.

    But only problem. It takes appx 30 seconds to start motor.

    Can you help.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Vijay,

    The x69 is an older launch pad FAST estimator software development discovers newer SDK and UMC with eSMO sliding observer. If not mistaken the x25 x39 launch pads can support DRV8301 motor drive often sold in the TI store. TI forum is not supporting the older Motorware broadly as in the past. You can use REX to download the SDK and UMC project to review the codes. 

  • Dear Sir,

      If you refer "">" If supports DRV8301 Booster pack. Also if you refer "">" the shared as quoted "Mathworks has posted a training video on how to run two motors using LAUNCHXL-F28069M and two BOOSTXL-DRV8301.". but i dont use mathlab i need to work with CSS. So please provide me solution or you can contact some seniors or some specific engineer who has made this launchpads with booster packs. I got this launchpad with booster pack and its motors to learn recently if you suggest me to go with x25 or x39. then i would like you to arrange me free sample launchpad then i can test it. Deeply awaiting your reply.

    Please Note:

    I started spin motor with using enable burton to run & stop motor & used only textbox of speed ref to vary speed of motor.

    but any time i enable motor, it takes 30 seconds to start & why?


  • but any time i enable motor, it takes 30 seconds to start & why?


    Have you searched for parameter setting startup time wait user.h? Perhaps reduce value seems to work ok with UMC code. The newer SDK and UMC project examples support dual motors. I don't work for TI though you may call customer service sold the x69 kit ask them for refund or exchange.