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I need to design three phase pwm rectifier to achieve output 700V dc with power factor greater then 0.9. i could not found any analog ic controller for this application. could found some literature for three phase pwm rectifier but not good enough to understand and implement. Has any one implemented three phase pfc control using c2000?, if some one has implemented then please help...
Hi greenja,
Thanks for reply. actually i am designing three phase AC input to DC converter, with PFC, so PWM rectifier and not inverter. C2000 application note is there for single phase input pfc and inverter but i want the Three phase PWM active rectifer control with C2000. Many industrial AC drives has active pfc three phase rectifier. i want to design that kind of rectifier.
Well, my apologies for making the incorrect assumption. In that case, you will want to look at the designs available for the PWM and Resonnace converters. There should be some design examples that have active rectification or synchronous control.
You may also want to do a search in and post your question in the Power Management Forum.
Pls fine the attached doc that explains 3-ph PFC.
Dear Shamim,
Thank you for your help. The document is really helpful and explains detail theory and many equations. But could not find the TI EVM mentioned in the slide on TI website and most important software libraries/code for this three phase pfc control is not available. if you have this can you share it!!
Can you please post details of 3phase PFC/APF EVM? I would like to order one.
Also, is there a project in Controlsuite for 3 phase PFC?
Thanks in advance
We don't have any hardware for that. Also, no Controlsuite project. Only thing I have is the doc (attached).
Hi Shamin,
If you have email id of the author of this document, then we can trace the source of software source and EVM mentioned in slides too.
Thank you very much for the source code. This software project is not that well documented like other control suit projects, so need more carefull understanding of the code.
what i feel is in the code direct current control method is implemented and not the clark-park and SVPWM based method. in the doc u gave both methods have been described.
can you please help further how to calculate the inductance for requied output power?
This is very important application in power electronics field, high power motor drive need three phase pfc, if TI has developed EVM for three phase drive then why it has yet not developed EVM for such a nice application of PFC?, i wonder ...because TI has solutions to many, many and many industrial applications and not this?
you can push management to have it!!!!
thanks for your code,it is really helpful to me, I have some questions below:
1.the project seems incomplete,an interrupt function is defined in the main function,
//PieVectTable.EPWM1_INT = &DPL_ISR; // Map Interrupt
PieVectTable.ADCINT1 = &DPL_ISR;
but i can't find the DPL_ISR out of the main function.
2.there are too many variables in the code,such as
int16 VTimer0[4]; // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 0
int16 VTimer1[4]; // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 1
int16 VTimer2[4]; // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 2
int16 SerialCommsTimer;
int16 CommsOKflg;
int16 HRmode;
int16 BlinkStatePtr, LED_TaskPtr;
int16 wTaskA_Timer_Cnt;
int16 wTaskB_Timer_Cnt;
int16 wTaskC_Timer_Cnt;
and so on,i do not exactly know what these variables reprent to,is there any documentation avaliable that explain the code ,just like some example project in controlsuit
3.if you could give me some example project that using SVPWM to get PFC control?
This software is released as-is. This may change in the future, but for now support will be limited. As a result, some of your questions may not get answered fully.
This being said, I will try to help you along to some extent. The foundation of this software is based on our group's "SystemFramework". You can find a document which should help explain some of the things you see here:
Thank you,
Hi Shamim,
Thank you very much for your help for source code of embeded program.
For designing my own supply according to my requirement i need to simulate the designusing the values of inductors, pwm period etc....
For this if you could provide the source code for simulink simulation, mentioned in the pdf document,it would be really very useful.
Hi Hitesh & Brett ,
Did you get success in getting PFC from attached code ?
Is there any bugs like stated in previous mail ?
Do ti have some more information regarding this software or some technical documentation in details
Thank You
Dear Bhuvaneshwar,
Still i hve not implemented the practicle working converter using the code. So sorry at this stage i can not give any comment.
I the code looks ok and bug free, i could compiled it succesfuly.
Hi Shamim,
I am also in study of the 3 phase pwm rectifier, and our company is going to design a 15kW converter for ozone generation with 3 phase APFC.
I have read some books and papers for this, but a demo based on TI DSP must be a better start point.
1. So could you pls send me the lastest version source code, which on my hand is 0083.ThreePhasePFC_Code.
2. I can not find the hardware schematics online, pls also give me a link.
3. Any other docs from TI about 3 phase APFC are helpful for me if possible.
Hi ,
Document which TI have provided implements Clark and Park method of 3 Phase PFC,
But in sample software average current control method is used.
Q. Can average current control method be used for 3 Phase PFC ?
Q. Does this software works at all ?
Waiting for reply TI expert.
Thank You
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