The current updates configuration file on the controlSUITE update server location contains an error that should be fixed to retrieve updates.
The URL in the v3.2.3 section contains an “erroneous new line character” resulting in a blank URL.
In the file updates.aiu the following should be changed:
Name = controlSUITE v3.2.3 Updater
Size = 71463424
Description = controlSUITE GUI Updates, New PinMux Utility, and more!
Feature1 = controlSUITE GUI Updates
Feature2 = Pin Mux Utility v102
RegistryKey = HKLM\Software\Texas Instruments, Inc.\ControlSUITE\Version
Version = >= 3.2.3
Depends = controlSUITE_v3p2p2
to get it working again in:
Name = controlSUITE v3.2.3 Updater
Size = 71463424
Description = controlSUITE GUI Updates, New PinMux Utility, and more!
Feature1 = controlSUITE GUI Updates
Feature2 = Pin Mux Utility v102
RegistryKey = HKLM\Software\Texas Instruments, Inc.\ControlSUITE\Version
Version = >= 3.2.3
Depends = controlSUITE_v3p2p2
See attached corrected updates.aiu file as well.
Kind regards,
Robert Beekmans
Contronics Engineering B.V.
The Netherlands