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TMS320F28069M: CAN over motorware

Part Number: TMS320F28069M
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MOTORWARE, C2000WARE

Dear team,

I have a similar issue.

I am also trying to implement CAN over motorware.

1  The coding style of motor ware is way different than controlsuit. As the following answer

"You can keep the coding style in controlSUITE or C2000ware to use these CAN example code in motorware, don't need to change it."

So i do not need to change the coding style?

2 Under controlsuit programming, the register of the can module cannot be operated on bits, and shadow registers need to be set for indirect operation.

So after transplanting to motorware, if CAN module programming also carried out the hal programming style, do I still need shadow register operation? If yes, how?

Kindly help me in implementing CAN over motorware.

  • 1. I think what was meant here is that you don't need to try to rewrite the register header files/structures to try to match the way the MotorWare driver ones are written. You can use them as they are in C2000Ware. You could still write a CAN driver to provide an interface with the HAL that looks similar to the other peripherals even though it's using a different type of register access in its implementation. Or you can put the register writes directly into the code like this person did.

    2. You do still need to use the shadow register scheme. That is related to the behavior of the hardware, so it shouldn't change when you start to add the header files to MotorWare.
