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MSP430I2021 DCO Calibration

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430I2021, MSP430G2553

Hello guys,

I have a project based on MSP430I2021 and it has no external clock source, crystal or oscilator, so I need to use DCO.

 I am using CCS v7.

Also I want to use Timer module to occur 1ms interrupt. My code is below;

#include <msp430.h>

void board_init(void);
void initTimer_A(void);
void Blynk();

volatile unsigned int TimerCnt;

void main(void) {


for(;;) {

void board_init()
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer

/* DCO = 16.384MHz
* MCLK = 16.384MHz
* SMCLK = 1.024MHz
* ACLK = 32KHz
* */

P2DIR |= BIT0;

void Blynk()
if (TimerCnt == 1000)
P2OUT ^= BIT0;
TimerCnt = 0;

void initTimer_A(void)
/* Set 1ms Timer Interrupt */
TACCR0 = 0; //Initially, Stop the Timer
TACCR0 = 1000-1;
TACTL = TASSEL_2 + ID_0 + MC_1; //Select SMCLK, SMCLK/1, Up Mode

//Timer ISR
#pragma vector = TIMER0_A0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A_CCR0_ISR(void)


When this code runs, LED blinks faster than 1 second. I decided that DCO calibration is wrong but I don't understand how can I calibrate DCO. 

I find some documents like slaa336, but they are writen for msp430g2553 or f series. 430i2021 has no DCOCTL or BCSCTL registers. 

I found code below but I don't understand what is "TLV_address_for_parse"?

/ * Calibrate REF * /
REFCAL1 = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_REFCAL1);
REFCAL0 = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_REFCAL0);

/ * Calibrate DCO * /
CSIRFCAL = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_CSIRFCAL);
CSIRTCAL = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_CSIRTCAL);
CSERFCAL = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_CSERFCAL);
CSERTCAL = * (TLV_address_for_parse + TLV_CAL_CSERTCAL);


Could you help me how can I calibrate DCO?


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