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MSP430F6777A: MSP430F6777A

Part Number: MSP430F6777A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F67791A, , MSP430WARE

Hi Sir, This is Preeti Bhosale.

We were using MSP430F67791A 100 pin uC in one of our product and developed the software of same. Later due to requirement of more port we switch that on MSP430F6777A 128 pin uC .

I have ported the software using 128 pin uC and tried to put hardware in debug but it is giving me load program error. Attached is the image for reference. I have tested that pin no. 4 (VCC_Target) and pin 9 (GND) is getting 3.31VAC. 

I tried to debug with external supply and above error is observed, but when I tried with external supply off , it is not giving me this error and can put into debug. (Note that here I have not shifted VCC to tool , it is still present on pin no. 4). 

Can u please help me out for this as I need external supply ON.

FYR, CCS10.4.0 is used for debug.

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