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MSP430FR5043: MSP low-power microcontroller forum

Part Number: MSP430FR5043


I have to interface the ZMOD4410- IAQ- sensor with msp430 controller. To calculate the final output from the sensor I have to add renesas's calculation function library that with extension of .a in ccs compiler.

If I try to add that .a file to my project that shows err_msg like "cal_iaq_2nd_gen.a file was compiled with small data code model. And My compiler configuration was setup with large data code model. How could I change my compiler configuration to small data code model to include that cal_iaq_2nd_gen.a file into my project. 

  • Hello,

    How could I change my compiler configuration to small data code model to include that cal_iaq_2nd_gen.a file into my project. 

    You can do this in the compiler build properties:



  • Hello Ki,
    Thank you so much for the reply. First of all please apologize me. I did not mentioned that I wish to compile the code in GNU v9.3.0.31 GCC compiler. I request you to please tell me the configuration for the same.
  • For GCC, you can change this is the "miscellaneous flags" field:

    Change -mlarge to -msmall



  • Yes i tried this step already. But when I compiled the code after this setup, I received err_msg that "mcode-region = none and mdata-region= none does not supports --msmall model"  or  "mcode-region = none and mdata-region= none requires large memory model". Now, what configuration that I must do?

  • I received err_msg that "mcode-region = none and mdata-region= none does not supports --msmall model"  or  "mcode-region = none and mdata-region= none requires large memory model"

    yes that is expected. You would need to remove those other options to get it to build.

    Now, what configuration that I must do?

    This is beyond the scope of my expertise. I would suggest starting a new thread in the MSP forum rquesting clarification on which GCC compiler options you need to specify for your project/device. The MSP experts can then help your further.



  • Thank you Ki.

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