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MSP430F5358: BSL UART Flashing

Part Number: MSP430F5358
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, , TMP468, MSP430F6459

Hello TI team,

I want to flash my MSP through BSL UART using MSP-FET, below is my pin connection.

MSP-FET   | MSP430F5358

PIN12-Tx    | P1.1-TX
PIN14-Rx    | P1.2-RX

Running through CMD below command,

BSLDEMO-2.01c.exe -cCOM37 <source dir>\Debug/tmp468.txt

Getting below Failed condition.
MSP430 Bootstrap Loader Communication Program (Version 2.01c)
Mass Erase...
ERROR: Synchronization failed!
Device with boot loader connected?

Is the pin connection correct? What is missing the making it fail? 



  • Hi Shubhanshu,

    BSLDEMO does not support the MSP430F5xx family of devices, you can confirm this in Table1-1 of the MSP430 BSL User's Guide (SLAU319). You can try the BSL Scripter tool instead, that should be compatible with both your MSP-FET and MSP430F5358.

    Best Regards,
    Brandon Fisher

  • Hi Brandon,

    I have tried with it, still it is failing. Below is the LOGs I got.

    C:\ti\BSL-Scripter>BSL-Scripter.exe <source dir>codes\tmp468\Debug\tmp468.txt
    BSL Scripter

    PC software for BSL programming
    2022-May-03 11:09:24
    Input file script is : <source dir>codes/tmp468/Debug/tmp468.txt

    Command is invalid!



  • Hi Shubhanshu,

    The BSL-Scripter actually expects an ASCII Text file for BSL commands, not just the TI TXT file you want to flash. You can see section 2.1 of the BSL Scripter User's Guide (SLAU655)  for more information on how that script file looks. You can also make use of the example script files that are included as part of the BSL Scripter installation. 

    The BSL Scripter Installer should have the example files by default located in: <Install Directory>\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart

    You can modify the script_6xx_uart.txt file there to properly flash your MSP430F5358. Please note that per the user's guide, the "5xx" and "6xx" MODE commands are identical so you can use either.

    Best Regards,
    Brandon Fisher

  • Hi ,

    I have tried with changing the Com port and i have run the script with example file i got the following logs,

    C:\>cd ti\BSL-Scripter

    C:\ti\BSL-Scripter>BSL-Scripter.exe c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\script_6xx_uart.txt
    BSL Scripter

    PC software for BSL programming
    2022-May-05 12:14:30
    Input file script is : c:/ti/BSL-Scripter/ScriptExampleWindows/6xx_uart/script_6xx_uart.txt

    //Script example 6xx UART BSL
    //Device tested: MSP430F5358//MSP430F6459
    //Comm Bridge used: MSP-BSL MSP-FET//Rocket
    //Download the blink application
    //through UART BSL
    MODE 6xx UART COM7//188
    Baud rate setup for UART is not given / wrong
    It will be setup to the default 9600baud
    //gives the wrong password to
    //mass erase the memory
    RX_PASSWORD .\pass32_wrong.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\pass32_wrong.txt
    [ERROR_MESSAGE]BSL Password is error!
    RX_PASSWORD .\pass32_default.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\pass32_default.txt
    BSL Password is correct!
    RX_DATA_BLOCK .\blinkLED_f6459.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\blinkLED_f6459.txt
    Time elapsed of writing 242 bytes : 0.343 seconds
    Speed of writing data :0.6891(kB/s)
    CRC_CHECK 0x8000 0x0020 0x4872
    CRC check match!
    CRC_CHECK 0xffc6 0x00D0 0xacf7
    CRC check match!
    SET_PC 0x8000

    But, i have tried to flash again the same file i am getting following logs,

    C:\ti\BSL-Scripter>BSL-Scripter.exe c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\script_6xx_uart.txt
    BSL Scripter

    PC software for BSL programming
    2022-May-05 15:59:46
    Input file script is : c:/ti/BSL-Scripter/ScriptExampleWindows/6xx_uart/script_6xx_uart.txt

    //Script example 6xx UART BSL
    //Device tested: MSP430F5358//MSP430F6459
    //Comm Bridge used: MSP-BSL MSP-FET//Rocket
    //Download the blink application
    //through UART BSL
    MODE 5xx UART COM37//188
    Baud rate setup for UART is not given / wrong
    It will be setup to the default 9600baud
    //gives the wrong password to
    //mass erase the memory
    RX_PASSWORD .\pass32_wrong.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\pass32_wrong.txt
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    RX_PASSWORD .\pass32_default.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\pass32_default.txt
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    RX_DATA_BLOCK .\blinkLED_f6459.txt
    Read Txt File : c:\ti\BSL-Scripter\ScriptExampleWindows\6xx_uart\blinkLED_f6459.txt
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    Time elapsed of writing 242 bytes : 2.089 seconds
    Speed of writing data :0.1131(kB/s)
    CRC_CHECK 0x8000 0x0020 0x4872
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    CRC_CHECK 0xffc6 0x00D0 0xacf7
    [ACK_ERROR_MESSAGE]Unknown ACK value!
    SET_PC 0x8000

    Now, i have flashed it once then why it is not possible to flash again?



  • Hi Shubhanshu,

    MODE 6xx UART COM7//188
    MODE 5xx UART COM37//188

    Is your board at COM7 or COM37?

    Also, can you try changing your MODE line to:

    MODE 5xx UART 9600 COM7 PARITY

    The PARITY keyword will enable even parity on your BSL UART, which is a requirement for these devices. 

    Of course you should also change it to use your correct COM Port, and to use your TMP468.txt file. Its a good idea not to flash that example "blinkLED_f6459.txt" file, since it was not built for the F5358. 

    Best Regards,
    Brandon Fisher

  • Hi 

    Is your board at COM7 or COM37?

    It is changing as the system port changes.
    I have tried flashing my file, generated from CCS and then changing script_6xx_uart.txt to my requirement, it got worked for me.

    I have changed the MODE and CRC options in the file.

    Thanks for your extreme support.

    Now, i want to perform this flashing via FTDI USB-UART(FT4232H) , where i have connected my pin as mentioned below and I am invoking BSL through Software as mentioned in SLAU319AE – JULY 2010 – REVISED APRIL 2021, Section 1.3.2.





  • Hi Shubhanshu,

    Glad to hear you've got the setup working now.

    Your FT4232 solution may work with software BSL invocation and BSL-Scripter but its not guaranteed. BSL-Scripter was not tested with any generic USB-UART Adapters (only MSP-FET, MSP-BSL Rocket, and some launchpad based solutions). The most robust solution would be to write your own script or modify the BSL-Scripter source code to guarantee compatibility. 

    If you don't want to do that, there is also an E2E community based solution for UART BSL based on BSL-Scripter, which was tested with FT232 and is discussed in this thread. You could try this version. I should caution that since it is not an official TI release it wouldn't be supported, and your results may vary. 

    Best Regards,
    Brandon Fisher

  • Hi Brandon, 

    Thanks for the suggestions.

    Will check through it.

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