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MSP430FR2675: UART Baud Rate Settings

Part Number: MSP430FR2675


Good Day.

Customer is trying to modify the msp430fr267x_euscia0_uart_01.c code example to run on EUSCI1 at 115200 baud.  Can you confirm that these settings are correct?

  UCA1BR0 = 4;                              // 8000000/16/115200
  UCA1BR1 = 0x00;
  UCA1MCTLW = 0x5550 | UCOS16;

As already configured in the code example, which he have not changed, "ACLK = REFO = 32768Hz, MCLK = DCODIV = SMCLK = 8MHz."

It's a little surprising that there isn't a register that takes a desired baud rate value and does all this setup for you in hardware. Please confirm. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,

Ray Vincent

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