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MSP430G2744: Board Debug Issues

Part Number: MSP430G2744
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430DA38

Hi Team,

My customer is having issues with connecting the Spy-Bi-Wire to their actual board that they designed (Not the EVM using MSP-TS430DA38).

In MSP430 Hardware Tools User's Guide (Rev. AH), p22 Figure 2-2 Note D as shown below,

It shows a resistor that can be connected to reduce noise. They connected a 1kOhm resistor and were not able to connect to SBW. However, when they removed the resistor, they were able to connect to SBW with no issues. (They used the same circuit as when they connected using the EVM as instructed in the document)


  1. What is the possible reason that SBW could not connect with the resistor, and why was it able to connect without it?
  2. When the resistor indicated in Note D is removed, this pin remains open. Is this ok?

Best regards,

Mari Tsunoda

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