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MSP-EXP430FR2433: why multiply to 0.97

Part Number: MSP-EXP430FR2433

Hi Team,

signalFreq = (1000000 / sum) * 0.97; //calculate frequency (SMCLK/difference)

In this code, why multiply to 0.97?

Thanks & Regards

Yale Li

  • Hi Yale,

    It looks like the multiplication by 0.97 was added in order to bring the achieved signal frequency value closer to the real frequency value of the input signal. Lots of small things with using the debugger can cause slight inaccuracies, and the developer of the example likely just included it for the sake of making the result in the demonstration more accurate. In my opinion the multiplication by 0.97 is not something that needs to be taken into account or utilized in your designs. If anything, you may want to insert a different  adjustment factor in order to end with the most accurate reading.

  • Hi Dylan,

    Thanks for your answer.

    Best Regards,

    Yale Li

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