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Bootloader for MSP430F248

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F248

I have serial bootloader for msp430F54xA series. there is a one assembly part. i can'n understand it and i want to convert it match  with  MSP430F248.

I attached this part with this mail. please help me. if you can please send me the correct sample code for this.


Thanks.8547.MSP430F5438A Family BSL Source.rar   

  • pathum dinesh said:
    there is a one assembly part. i can'n understand it and i want to convert it match  with  MSP430F248.

    You mean the file MSP430_Low_Level_Init.s43?

    It contains the 'magic' to make teh bootloader work. The signature that is looke dfor by teh MSP core, the function that is called by the MSP core to check the entry sequence and to unlock or lock the BSL area. This is partly specific to the 5438A. I don't know what has to be changed and what not for use on the 248.

    I think that's a in-depth question for one of those who did the code.

  • Thanks

    in this project i must want a bootloader for MSP430F248 ( For download the firm ware to this chip via serially from PC ). therefore can I get source code for any chip of MSP430F2XX series, if you can. it is very very important me at this time.

    if you are unable send the source code, please be kind to send me a another way to get the source code.


    I'm waiting for your reply.


  • Chinthaka Dinesh said:
    in this project i must want a bootloader for MSP430F248 ( For download the firm ware to this chip via serially from PC )

    All MSP430Fxx chips already have a bootloader installed (but not the Gxxx chips). Usually a serial one except for those with an USB controller. RX and TX are normally expected on P1.0 and P1.1, and RST and TEST need to be connected to the RTS and DSR (?) signals of the serial port. For the PC, there is the software BSL-Scripter that does the download.

    You only need the BSL sources if you want to write your own variant of the bootloader for some reason, and you can only install it on devices with the bootloader in protected flash (on most older MSPs, it is in ROM).

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