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MSP430FR2355: _still_ getting "MSP-FET430UIF is already in use" error

Part Number: MSP430FR2355
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, , MSP430FR2522, MSP430F5529

I had this issue 5 months ago. Just 2 weeks ago I was debugging a different PCB. Now I have the _same_ error. CCS 12.2 and up to date Windows.

The error message is as cryptic as it has always been. No feedback on exactly which stage of connecting failed to work.

Did full restart of Windows, no change. I can see the debug device in the Device Manager on COM4

Note there is _still_ no way to tell CCS what COM port is the MSP Debug Interface, and no way to see what or if the software has found a port that it things is the correct one, making debugging very difficult. Looking at the forums, this has been going on for 10 years.

So lets try this again. Please explain what causes this error. Explain how to track down the problem given the poor error messages with no information. Look at my previous posts to see what I've tried in the past.

  • As I remember, the MSP-FET430UIF is removed from CCS support. You may need to download an old version. Like 5 series, you can find more information in the release note.

  • I am really confused here.  I was able to load the launch pad board just a few weeks ago with Version 12 of CCS. I'm now working on a new PCB and trying to load the firmware into it using the launch pad, and I get this error. The nature of the error implies that some software interlock is in play and therefore the software believes that the loader is currently in use.

    So the question is what changed ? Is the interlock a simple file that can be deleted, or is it more complex than that ? And what is the preferred way to load a launch pad that was purchased within the last year and load it, and how does one specify that particular loading mechanism ?

    Many of the posts on this during the last 10 years suggest a removal and re-installation of CCS. Surely there is a less draconian way to solve this problem. And as I have discussed in previous posts, the "broad coverage" error messages are as frustrating as a compiler that just says "syntax error" for all problems encountered during parsing.

  • Note there is _still_ no way to tell CCS what COM port is the MSP Debug Interface, and no way to see what or if the software has found a port that it things is the correct one, making debugging very difficult.

    This kind of request should almost be mentioned in the CCS forum so the moderators there could possibly file a bug/feature request to engineering. They are also more versed on where any verbose error logs are located which could lead to some kind of resolution.

  •   Thanks for that suggestion. I did not realize that issues discussed in the design support forum were not brought to the attention of engineering. I've spent the morning looking for any kind of overview of the 'flashing of MSP430 devices" and can't find anything. Kind of defeats the whole purpose of the "LaunchPad Experience"....

      Once things get working, I'll post to the forums. 

  • I've ordered a MSP-FET in case the problem of the MSP-FET430UIF does not get solved. Spent the day looking all all the articles and info I could, no single clear coherent view of down load methods and how to set up CCS for a given approach. Noting on how to make CCS remove whatever "owns" the MSP-FET430UIF.

  • Yes, you are right, I also find it for a long time. Thank you for your suggetion. I would assume you order a launchpad for MSP430FR2355 would be more cheap and easy to evaluation.

  • A few replies here, but, no progress. In summary:

    1) I'm on the exact same setup that worked about 3 weeks ago on the same processor chip (MSP420FR2355)

    2) I have loaded no new programs since them.

    3) I created a new CCS project for this new board.

    4) The launch pad board is the only device plugged into any USB ports.

        I have already read the various posts suggested by replies to this problem. Most are very old, not current CCS or windows versions.

       The error message implies that there is some ownership mechanism for the MSP-FET430UIF. No where have I found a way to verify that, determine "what" owns it or seen how to "clear" whatever the lock mechanism is for ownership.

       There are some ".dlls are out of sync" comments. Yes, this sort of problem is why Windows is just a wretched piece of software. But nothing on "how to download the _current_ .dlls" that CCS is expecting, and really no reason to expect that loading a USB .dll will "clear" whatever the ownership of the MSP-FET430UIF is. I suspect when the MSP-FET device arrives in a day or so, the same issues will be present.

       I am looking for things to try, given the above information about my environment and problem. The focus should be on:

    a) How do download whatever the current .dlls are for programing

    b) Exactly what is triggering the ownership message, and how to remove any software locks on ownership

  • If you meet the same problem on MSP-FET please let me know.

    Actually, as I know the MSPFET430UIF is combined with a USB to COM IC and a MCU. For MSP-FET, it is combined with a MCU with USB function. That means the MSP-FET can simulate more than one COM function. As I remember, it have a common COM port and a JTAG COM port. Maybe this is how CCS judge the MSP-FET from USB ID or something else. 

  • Part comes in tomorrow, will advise.

    Can you provide any answer for how to "download the correct .dlls" and "Just just does the "...Already in use" error message mean? For process that has multiple steps, the error messages are useless.

    And just how is it I was able to program the exact same processor chip a few weeks ago on a different PCB and now I can't program anything on a new PCB ? This is where knowing where the process of programming the part come into play. The steps for the CCS software _should_ be:

    1) Find the correct USB port, just as it shows up in the Device Manager

    2) Open the port

    3) See if you can talk to anything on the LaunchPad board

    4) See if what you're talking to is what you're trying to program.

    Until the error messages provided detail on which step failed, this support forum will continue to keep seeing this issue crop up.

  • Can you first try the MSP-FET. I am on business travel, sorry don't have much time to search in internal materials.

  •    I connected the MSP-FET for the SpByWire more (just 2 lines and ground). CCS "found" it, and the software update to the MSP-FET went OK. It then took 2 tries to get it to recognize my PCB with the 430MSPFR2355, but it did download the program (and parts of it even ran on the 1st try).

       The interface in CCS behaves differently, in particular there is no ability to "reset" the part so you can start it again without doing a download. The load process is slower than when things worked directly with the LaunchPad device connected via USB.

       I'll call this a partial win, and now have to get to the program for this PCB. I then will try a LaunchPad and see if that still works. If it does not, then this question is still active, I just have a way to program devices. And the need for better error messages still exists.

       I have some MSP432 devices I'll be working on soon (SimpleLink RF), I'm using the JTAG interface on those. I hope the MSP-FET will be usable with those devices.

       Safe travels, I will advise on progress here and await for answers on why the LaunchPad devices could not connect du to the "Already in Use" issue.

  • 1. I think I would make an error. I make a try for the MSP_FET430UIF based on:

    IDE:CCS 12

    MCU: MSP430FR2522

    Debugger: MSP_FET430UIF.

    I find it can work. "Alreally use" may be caused by you open multiple CCS. That means you have more than one software try to communicate with MSP_FET430UIF. The dll refers to this one:


    2. If MSP-FET can work without issues. I would assume your MSP-FET430UIF may be broken.  Another possibility is that your MSP-FET430UIF may not supplied by TI. As I know many venders also make their own MSP-FET430UIF. The one in my picuture is made in TI, which is out of store.

  • Advise on how to download just that .dll

    Note that I had no MSP-FET430UIF. I got that error when trying to connect to a launchpad. I was able to connect to it about 3 weeks ago, no changes at my end, and then I got the error. Which brings me back to:

    I have only 1 copy of CCS running. I get the error that the MSP-FET430UIF is Already In Use. I have no idea how that could be. This appears to be lock mechanism of some sort. How do I clear that ?

    I can download to my target PCB with the new MSP-FET device. When I get that project done, I'll try to connect a new LauncPad and see if that works. If it does not, I'll be right back where I started. Will advise.

  • If your lauchpad is MSP-EXP430FR2355. And you meet the problem when you try to connect than LP. I think your lauchpad is broken. It has no relationship with the .dll. The debugger on LP should be eZ-FET.

  • If so, this is the 2nd one that burned out out me. It worked 3 weeks ago, I connected it up again and got the error. I have 2 more spares for the MSP4302355 I purchased after seeing this the 1st time.

    Hopefully the MSP-FET is a bit more robust w/r/t/ plugging into a PCB. I have ESD protection on my programing header, so I've never burned out a uP yet. I'm also hoping the MSP-FET can be used when I turn my attention to the PCBs that have the MSP432 SimpleLink processors on them.

  • 1. If you want to save the LP, I would suggest you to use MSP-FET to read the memory of MSP430F5529 on the debugger side from a good LP and download it to a bad one to see if it turns good.

    2. MSP-FET can work with MSP432P401. 

  •    Worth a try. If I google/search around will it be clear how to download the memory from the chip (assume that's the MSP430F5529 you mention) using the MSP-FET ?

    It is also worth a try because it would answer all the questions I'm seeing regarding the "Already in use" message.

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