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MSP430FR69721: ADC67 Max Error

Part Number: MSP430FR69721

Hi Team,

Our customer is using MSP430FR69721IRGCR and they have a question concerning the errata update on ADC67 (page 5): 

Description: The ADC12 reference temperature sensor calibration data stored in the TLV data structure (0x1A1A - 0x1A25) can be incorrect depending on the production lot trace code.

                      As a result the temperature measurement when using these data can be wrong.

                      Devices with lot trace code > 88XXXXX are not affected by this issue.

Question: Do we have information on the maximum value (worst case) of the error on the temperature value indicated by the sensor on ADC67?

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,


  • Hi Jejomar,

    The problem is caused by wrong data in ROM. I did not find the information about worst case. But you can refer to the workaround:

    Record the calibration data by taking ADC measurements of the temperature sensor at 30C and 85C for the required reference voltage. The calibration data in the TLV section (0x1A1A - 0x1A25) can't be overwritten but the new calibration data can be stored in user FRAM or info memory for further temperature calculations.

    You can also test it directly by taking ADC measurements of the temperature sensor at 30C and 85C.



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