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MSP430FR2633: How to reset the target when programming with MSP-FET?

Part Number: MSP430FR2633
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET,

Hello, for MSP430FR2633 programming we use the MSP-FET probe in BSL mode. Programming using BSL-Scripter utility works flawlessly, only we would need to reset the target after the end of the programming procedure to exit BSL and to read the JTAG/BSL protection signatures. As we are not able to cycle power off/on, the most suitable way seems to be to generate a pulse on the RST pin.

Is there any simple way (command, utility etc.) to make the MSP-FET generate a pulse on RST pin?

Thanks in advance.

  • Hello,

    You can generate a reset by pulling the RST pin low for at least the minimum pulse length for reset. Please see the device specific datasheet for the necessary pulse duration to generate a reset.

    Thank you,


  • Hello Susan,

    Thank you for your quick reply, but there seems to be a misunderstanding. Of course I know what the reset pulse looks like, but I would need to force the MSP-FET probe to generate such reset pulse using a suitable SW tool. We use BSL-Scripter for FRAM programming and we would need to generate a reset after the procedure is complete. It seems that the BSL-Scripter does not support any command to do this.

    Is there any simple way to instruct the MSP-FET to generate a low level pulse on RST pin 11? Programmatically, of course, not with a button or a piece of wire...

  • Hello,

    Are you saying that you are unable to exit the BSL and run the program by setting the PC register via the SET_PC command, or are you saying that you can do that, but NEED to generate a reset via the RST pin?

    Thank you,


  • Hello,

    we simply need to generate a reset via the RST pin.

    Everything else works flawlessly (including SET_PC), but we need to generate BOR type reset. So the question is more about the MSP-FET - which SW tool/utility can be used to to generate a RST pulse from the MSP-FET probe?

    Thank you

  • If Susan finds there is no way toggle RST through the scripter, you could force a Software BOR by writing into PMMCTL0 and setting the PMMSWBOR bit from the BSL with a couple of RX Data Block commands. See this thread.

  • Thanks for the interesting hint. I thought about a similar workaround (write a small piece of code that sets the PMMSWBOR into unused memory and invoke it using SET_PC command), but I was hoping to find a more elegant way...

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately, there is no way to directly pull the RST pin low through the MSP-FET.

    However, Seth is correct that you can generate a software BOR via the PMMCTL0 register by setting the PMMSWBOR. You can read more about this in Section 2.26 Brownout Reset (BOR) of the MSP430FR4xx and MSP430FR2xx family user's guide.

    Since this is an FRAM device, you can set a persistent variable to function as an application side software flag.

    You can do this by clearing the variable whenever you program via the BSL, followed by checking it in your application code. If it is cleared, set the variable and run a software BOR. Then when the application code checks it again, it won't generate a BOR until you clear the variable again.

    Thank you,


  • Hello,

    the PMMSWBOR setting method works perfectly.

    But it would still be useful if there was a way to reset the target using MSP-FET RST signal. It shouldn't be a problem if MSP-FET controls RST when generating the BSL entering sequence...

    Thank you,


  • Hello,

    Unfortunately the MSP-FET has no API to directly control the RST pin.

    Thank you,


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