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Where do I find the original frimware of SP-FET430UIF ?

Dear community,

I've got a serious problem with my SP-FET430UIF debugger. After I installed a new frimware the debugger started not working. First I just could not be able to download my source code to my MCU, later( after I uninstalled it's driver from my pc and try to reinstall it) my OS (Win7 x64) couldn't be able to recognized it and the driver can not be installed manually either... and finally the self-test also failed to run...(after I pluge the devic to the usb port the 3 red led blinking phase it's drouped out of start sequenze...just the green led is lighting.) So I think all of this happening because of the new frimware. So I would need an other firmware, but by this time I couldn't find it anywhere... So if anyone of you have the original one I would be pleased if you could give it to me. Please help me !

Regards, Szilard

  • I do not quite understand your problem.

    Are you having problem with the TI MSP430 USB-Debug-Interface hardware tool called MSP-FET430UIF?

    You said you installed a new firmware. Do you mean the firmware inside that MSP-FET430UIF? How did you install the new firmware? Did you use another hardware tool to do it? Or, did you use the MSP-FET430UIF itself to update its own firmware?

    Now this thing is not recognized by the PC anymore, so there is no way you can use it on the PC to restore its own firmware. You have to use another working hardware tool to reinstall the firmware. Do you have another hardware tool?

  • First of all, thanks for your reply. 


    Unforunatly I was out of the internet for couple of days, so I've just read your reply. 


    >Are you having problem with the TI MSP430 USB-Debug-Interface hardware tool called MSP-FET430UIF?

    Yes, Im having problem with the TI MSP430 USB-Debug-Interface hardware tool called MSP-FET430U. 


    >How did you install the new firmware? 

    After I download and installed the latest version of the CCSv4 when I tried to connect my  debugger and donwload my code, the IDE offered me that a new firmware is required to download before I could get my device connect. Because I didn't have an another choice to continue the process, I've clicked the YES button. (thought, what wrong could happen..). What happend after that it's already written in my previously post. 


    >Did you use another hardware tool to do it? Or, did you use the MSP-FET430UIF itself to update its own firmware?

     As you can read my previously answer I used the MSP-FET430UIF itself to update its own firmware.


    >Now this thing is not recognized by the PC anymore, so there is no way you can use it on the PC to restore its own firmware. You have to use another working hardware tool to reinstall the firmware. Do you have another hardware tool?

    Yes I have another. I read one of your post somewhere in this forum "how to restore  a firmware of eZ430F2013" or maybe some where else(sorry but I don't find the proper link :S), where you wrote that if I had an another hardware tool and the firmware I would be able to restore the oringinal firmware of  MSP-FET430UIF. I've got an another tool but I haven't the firmware yet, so that's why I need the firmware. (I don't quite remember the proccess of restoring the orignial firmware and as I've wrote it before I don't find your post either, so I would be very greatful if you could write to me the procces here.) I know eZ430F2013 it's different tool but I think my problem is quite similar and may be the same solution can be work. 

    I do hope my problem can be understood now.

  • Hi Szilard,

    Letting CCS update the MSP-FET430UIF is generally a good idea, there should not have been anything wrong with doing that. I'm wondering if perhaps you are running into a driver issue (especially since now you said you have uninstalled the device driver). Could you try using the FET debugger with another PC and see if it works correctly? (Use a PC that has CCS installed so that it will have the drivers for the FET tool) This will help you narrow down if there is actually something wrong with the FET tool or if this is an issue on the PC side.

    Please also see this wiki page on troubleshooting problems with the FET tool:



  • Hi Katie,

    Yes, I've already tried to use the FET debuger with another PC, but unfortunately the same things have happened... I think there is somethig wrong with the FET, because the hardware self test is faild to run.(Instead of the RED,RED,RED - GREEN pattern only the GREEN led stay on). I think there is only one way (as it also written on the page you've linked in your previously post) to fix this problem, the frimware of the FET needs to be changed. This wouldn't be so difficult if the FET could be recoginized by the PC, but it couldn't...:(. If you know how could be changed the frimware in this case, please explain to me !



  • Hi Szilard,

    This post lays out how to update firmware on a malfunctioning FET tool (See aBUGSworstnightmare's post): I would try this and see if you can get it to work - since the self-test isn't even running it does sounds like your firmware may have gotten corrupted.




    As I wrote it before I had read one of your post where you gave a discription the process of restoring the firmware of the eZ430U via 4-pin-JTAG. 

    Finally I've found that post. The post can be found under the link. The seventh post from the top.



    So that's why I think - besides I know I've got a different tool - if I had the original frimware my issue could be fixed the same way was it written in that post.  If I'm not mistaken please help me! And once again if you or anybody else have the frimware( MSP-FET430UIF ver 1.4 ) or know how could I get it please write to me!





  • Hi Szilard,

    If you see abugsworstnightmare's post here and the link he provides to the free Elprotronic Lite software, this includes a copy of the MSP430.dll in it's directories when you install it, so it has everything it needs to reprogram your FET tool. The biggest question is whether your FET tool will let it in to reprogram. But at the least, this has the original firmware (we don't provide source code for the firmware, just this).



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