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I bought a new FET next week. I run FETPro430-Lite. It ask me " would you like to uptade it? Y/N" I said YES. It run and %97 stoped. It wait about 2 needed manualy reset. I unplug FET then I reconnect FET. Leds on the fet were not light. I looked at the device maneger. I see msp-fet430uif-CDC(com10) But it is not working. I tried all way that i found ways in this site. MSP-FET430UIF Firmware version=0 HELP me please.
Enter 'y' to confirm: y
Initialize: done
Firmware Version: 0
Status: Starting firmware update with built in image!
Initializing bootloader...
Erasing firmware...Error, firmware update returned an error
Press any key to close this application.
This forum is a big forum and a solution for this problem has been published many times.sebahattin erarslan said:TI is a big company but a solution of this error is not published. :((
A simple forum search using the big spyglass button would have shown you several related threads before even posting your question, saving you much time.
I searched this form and i tried ways that i found. I had no success. Do you have a suggestion to me ? Thank you in advance for your help
If really none of the existing threads helped you, then I don't have any more ideas. After all, I never had this problem personally.sebahattin erarslan said:Do you have a suggestion to me ?
Well, one ide: try the other suggestiosn again on a 32 bit system witn Windows XP. Both, Win7 and 64 bit are additional problem sources when it comes to low-level hardware access.
I will try.Can it be erased msp430f1612 ? can i load another way for 1612. Example ... with jtag in the fet?
Sure, an incomplete firmware update may (likely has) put the 1612 into a non-working state. It can be reprogrammed using the BSL protocol. This actually is how the update was done too. The MSP-downgrader software will try to put an older firmware on it without checking it before (the IDE will check the current state before suggesting an update, and since the current state is not available anymore...)sebahattin erarslan said:Can it be erased msp430f1612 ? can i load another way for 1612.
No, since the JTAG commands are generated by the 1612 firmware (if it were working).sebahattin erarslan said:with jtag in the fet?
Jens-Michael Gross said:with jtag in the fet?No, since the JTAG commands are generated by the 1612 firmware (if it were working).
:) according to schematic of MSP-FET430UIF , there is a jtag port in it. Can i load frimware with it. I have a paralel port FET. Can i use this FET for this loaiding. If it is okey, how can i do and which software can i use
Oh, yes, teh 1611 of course is JTAG-programmable (by another FET) . However, it's possible that the JTAG fuse has been blown, to prevent people from reading the firmware.sebahattin erarslan said::) according to schematic of MSP-FET430UIF , there is a jtag port in it.
Anyway, the firmware downdater should be able to reprogram it through the default USB/ser connection.
I have similar problem with Sebahattin erarslan.
I failed update of MSP FET430 UIF. Now I cannot use emulator.
I tried downdater to program MSP FET430 UIF but fail.
There is an erasing error. "erasing error...during V2 HAL"
I hope to find method to fix this problem.
Процедура восстановления MSP-FET430UIF
1. Снять микросхему 24LC128I из FET430UIF и прошить её соответствующей прошивкой из архива.
2. Удалить все драйверы от FET430UIF с компютера и подключить FET430UIF без eeprom к пк.
3. Установить драйверы для TUSB3410 и переподключить FET430UIF к пк.
4. Прошить соответствующей прошивкой MSP430F1612 из архива на плате FET430UIF.
5. Отключить FET430UIF от пк и запаять eeprom 24LC128I на место.
И мои поздравления, FET430UIF снова готов к работе.
Recovery Procedure MSP-FET430UIF
1. Remove the chip from 24LC128I FET430UIF and sew it appropriate firmware from the archive.
2. Remove all drivers with FET430UIF Computers & FET430UIF connect to your PC without eeprom.
3. Install drivers for TUSB3410 and FET430UIF reconnect to the PC.
4. Appropriate firmware flash MSP430F1612 from the archive on the board FET430UIF.
5. Turn off the PC and from FET430UIF solder eeprom 24LC128I place.
And congratulations, FET430UIF ready for use again.
i am facing same issues as said above and now i removed the eeprom, i am seeing TUSB in device manager but i dont know next steps to proceed to load firmwares , so can you please guide me load msp430 and eeprom firmwares.
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