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MSP430FR6043: MSP430FR6043

Part Number: MSP430FR6043
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: EVM430-FR6043

i have a problem with the Board EVM430-FR6043. and namly i tested the Board with 1MHz sensor and it worked well. then i used 2Mhz sensor, and the signal was different by different flow. and ofcourse the TOF was not correct. see the images for better understanding. 
is there any way to solve this? i checked the signal with Oscilloscope on both channel and ther was the same. 

bei 1000ml/s

bei 450ml/s

and bei 60ml/s

best Regards

  • Hi Pierre,

    What is the distance between your transducers? Could you post an image of the USS calibration settings that you are using?

    This may be obvious but: did you perform an additional frequency sweep and update your excitation frequency?

  • Hello Dylan,
    the distance between 2 transducers is 71.5 cm. here are the USS calibration configuration. 

    best regards

  • Pierre I have a few things I am noticing:

    1) 71.5 cm apart is much further than most applications I have seen before. I can't necessarily say that this is an issue, but having a flight path this long is going to result in a lot of signal attenuation. This will make it difficult to achieve accurate measurements.

    2) Are these settings the ones you used for the ADC captures that you posted above? The immediate thing I noticed is that the number of pulses seen in the ADC capture is far more than the number indicated by the configuration parameters. 

    3) Are you unable to run a frequency sweep? Did you accidentally upload the wrong image? If you could please check and provide me with your frequency sweep this could help show other issues.

    Regardless of the above, here are a few suggestions:

    If possible, change your pipe set-up so that the transducers are closer together. In my test equipment the transducers are only 5 to 10 cm apart.

    Increase your gain. You should set your gain so that when you perform an ADC capture, the amplitude reaches 800 to 900 units.

    Increase the number of pulses. This will give the search algorithm more data to work with. The algorithm needs to use the peak lobe and side lobes in order to collect time of flight data. So few pulses may result in inaccurate readings. In my test set up I keep it between 15 and 30. Your choice of 5 may be fine but I'd like to see if this helps.

  • Hello Dylan, 
    on the first pics i tried to incerease the number of pulses but as you can see, 
    the ADC capture is not the same for diffrent flow. the other thing is that, for 1MHZ sensor it works fine. for the distacne between Transducers it is 7.15cm not the other one. it was error. 
    so is there any additional setting for 2MHZ sensor. i'm not able to run frequenc sweep. 
    best regards 

  • Pierre,

    I am glad to hear that the 71.5 cm number was an error.

    Did you follow the initial configuration steps in the Water metering academy when starting this design? I noticed in the academy we recommend setting the signal sampling frequency to 7.2MHz when using 2MHz transducers. The rest of the academy has other information that you will likely find to be helpful.

    Can you explain why you are unable to conduct a frequency sweep? Your screenshot of the tab shows that you can.

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