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MSP430I2041: OTA

Part Number: MSP430I2041

I am using MSP430i2041 to create a device that requires OTA(over the air) upgrade functionality, but I have not done it before. Do you have any relevant routines or application notes provided.

  • Hello Ping,

    MSP430I2041 has the BSL function which you can refer to the user guide "MSP430ixx family". BSL is a function which can provide a method for you to update the firmware using general interface (such as UART, USB, etc.) instead of using debugger or programmer. And you want to update the firmware using wireless method, you need other wireless chip. First, you can transmit the firmware to the wireless chip from your PC and then the wireless chip transmit the firmware to MSP430 using BSL.

    Best Regards,

    Janz Bai

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