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MSP430FR50431: MSP430FR50431 - Custom Board

Part Number: MSP430FR50431
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, MSP430FR5043, MSP430FR6043


We designed a board that contains MSP430FR50431
I'm trying to figure out all the ways I can burn it or changing specific parameter in the MSP config.
I'll write down what I know (if it's wrong tell me).
I would love for you to add the options.

1) Burn it through the computer and with the help of an external tool that I have an MSP-FET and use CCS.

I would love to be as detailed as possible!!

  • Hi Ido,

    Burning through the computer with the use of an external tool is possible with the MSP-FET, or you may also want to look at the MSP-GANG. In that product page you may notice that MSP430FR5043 is not listed as supported, I believe this is just a typo as the only difference between the MSP430FR6043 and the MSP430FR5043 is the LCD support. You can also find a user's guide and training video on the product page.

    Another way to flash/burn the MSP430FR5043 is through the BSL interface. I may have already linked this document to you Ido but just in case: MSP430 FRAM Devices Bootloader (BSL) User's Guide. Using BSL commands and a BSL host to send those commands and the associated data, you can update the device memory with new data. To be short, the BSL programming process will involve connecting the MSP430 to another device (the BSL host), that will send commands over the BSL interface (this is I2C for the MSP430FR50431). Those commands include ones to write to the device memory, and using this you will be able to write a new application image to the device. For more specific information on this, please review the BSL users guide linked above, the MSP430FR50431 Users Guide (see sections 1.11, and 7.4), and the datasheet.

  • Ido,

    I wanted to add this document as well: the msp430 hardware tools users guide. This has some information about the MSP-FET and about in-system programming.

  • Thank you very much for the detail !

    So the first way I wrote should work.

    Regarding BSL, could you elaborate a little more on what is meant by BSL HOST?

    I understood that I need to move the MSP to BSL mode by command, what else is required?

  • Of course,

    The BSL Host is the larger processor that you connect to the MSP430's BSL interface, so the I2C interface in this case. It needs to be capable of sending commands to the MSP430, and it needs to contain the necessary information to write to the MSP430 in order to reprogram it. Using the BSL commands you can write to specific portions of the device memory, so you don't necessarily need the BSL host to store the entire application image, but I do believe that this is what most customers do when using the BSL.

    The MSP can be put into BSL mode using software or a hardware trigger. Using software it just requires inserting a code snippet into part of your project, and when that code runs your device will power on into BSL mode. The hardware trigger just involves pulling your BSL invoke pin high or low (I think this is configurable but please see the BSL Users guide above for details), and then your device will enter BSL mode.

    Once in BSL mode, you will be able to send a connect command to start communication with the MSP430, then you should be able to start sending other commands like write to memory.

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