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MSP430FR5994: TimerA1 Frequency using only CCR0

Part Number: MSP430FR5994

Hi, I have the following TimerA1 configuration for a simple square wave generation program:

  • SMCLK is selected as clock source
  • Source for SMCLK is DCO with DCOFSEL_6 and DIVS=8, therefore yielding a 1 MHz clock for SMCLK in theory
  • Up Mode

Whenever there is an interrupt, I toggle a pin. 

However, when I set CCR0 to 2500 I get a frequency of 200 Hz on the oscilloscope.

This would mean that:

 200 Hz = ( (f_clk)^-1 * 2500)^-1.

f_clk = 500,000Hz 

Why is this, shouldn't the frequency read from the oscilloscope be 400Hz in this case, since SMCLK=1MHz? I know I am missing something. Thank you for the explanation in advance.

Edit 1: Also as a note, for TimerA1:

  • ID = 0
  • TAIDEX = 0

So there shouldn't be any more division at the TimerA level...

Edit 2: Edited question for clarity

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