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MSP430FR6043: EVM430-FR6043 App_config...h

Part Number: MSP430FR6043

You recommended us to use:
To build a driver for our custom board.

I want it to also have the possibility to use this:
But it is present in App_config.h files
that do not exist in this project.
What are these App_config files used for?

  • Hi,

    Are you working on a water meter project? 

    The fr6043_usswlib_template_example is designed for gas meter application. The gas meter application does not need DC offset cancellation function. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Ok, but it also dosent exist in fr6047_usswlib_template_example .

    And there I want to use this option.

    So why does this function not exist?

  • Hi,

    I can find the definition of this function in ussSwLibCalibration.c. It is included in the project.


    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • 1) You confused me a bit, what you are presenting does the same action, only it is defined like this And it should not be enabled by this : //#define USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE ?

    In the demo code I had to delete the // for the function to be enabled (//#define USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE)
    Here you claim that there is no such thing and it works straight like that?

    2) You also said here in our thread that the 6043 doesn't need the DC_CANCELLATION function, but I see that the DC_estimation is also defined there..?

  • Hi,

    1) You confused me a bit, what you are presenting does the same action, only it is defined like this And it should not be enabled by this : //#define USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE ?

    This USS_estimateDCoffset() function is already defined in the source code in both template and demo project. The difference is that in the demo code you can directly enable USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE to enable this function. However, in the template project, it does not have this definition. If you still want to use the USS_estimateDCoffset() function, you need to call it in the main loop. 

    In the demo code I had to delete the // for the function to be enabled (//#define USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE)
    Here you claim that there is no such thing and it works straight like that?

    In the demo code you need to define USS_APP_DC_OFFSET_CANCELLATION_ENABLE to enable the DC offset cancellation function. Because there is a #ifdef in the main loop to determine whether it will run USS_estimateDCoffset() function.

    2) You also said here in our thread that the 6043 doesn't need the DC_CANCELLATION function, but I see that the DC_estimation is also defined there..?

    DC offset cancelation function is not necessary for gas meter application. The fr6043_usswlib_template_example is designed for gas meter application. Since the gas meter project and water meter project shares most of the library code. So, you can also find the USS_estimateDCoffset() function in fr6043_usswlib_template_example. However, it is customer decision to whether calling it in the main loop or not.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

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