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MSP430FR6043: Is there a limit to the total shift in Absolute UPS/DNS?

Part Number: MSP430FR6043

We are fighting an issue with spikes in Delta ToF and sometimes in Absolute UPS/DNS.  I noticed that our UPS and DNS ADC captures are shifting by more than a full period as we move from our lowest flow to the highest flow rate.  In fact, at our highest rate they are shifted by about 1.5x the period of the received ADC capture.  I'm wondering if that is fouling up the algorithm resulting in the spikes.  Perhaps it is picking the wrong peak when the shift is too great?

Our transducers are 310kHz, so the period is 3.23us.  Our full flow range is 10 L/min.  The size of the tube results in a shift of about 4.9us @ 10 L/min.  

  • Hi,

    For how to set a lower sampling frequency in the other thread. You can set the parameter USS_HSPLL_FREQ_IN_MHZ to 68 and USS_SDHS_OVER_SAMPLE_RATE to 40 in the USS_userConfig.h. The ADC sampling rate will be set as 68M/40 = 1.7M. You can also try with 1M sampling frequency if 1.7M can still observe the spikes. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • I collected some data demonstrate the issue. See attachment.   We also discovered that the spikes we are seeing are about 3.2u2 deep, corresponding to one period of the received ADC signal.  So it appears that the algorithm is getting out of phase by one period.  Sometimes, instead of spiking from the correct value to the wrong vaolue, the Delta ToF is primarily on the wrong value and spikes ocassionally to the correct value.

    Data for TI forum question.pdf

  • Hi,

    I checked your data. I know there are cycle slip issues on dTOF at 6LPM and 4LPM and on absTOF_DNS at 4LPM. 

    So, first lowering the ADC sampling frequency could help solve the cycle slip issue on dTOF. So, I would suggest you to do it first. And then we will check the results after changing it. And if it not helps, please let me know and I will let you try with some other parameters then. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Thanks Cash.  Please see attached.

    It appears that the ToF agorithms don't work at that frequency.  Our transducer is about 310kHz, so at 1.7MHz sampling frequency we only get about 5.48 samples per period.  If I understand the documentation, you need at least 3 samples per lobe (6 samplesvper period) for the algorithm to fit a parabolic curve to each lobe.  That may explain why the 1.7MHz didn't work.

    So we also dried 3.4MHz.  It worked better but still spiked at certain flows.  At 8LPM, the Delta ToF was stuck on zero.  We appreciate any further direction you can provide.  In the attached document I pasted the settings we used to create the header file. Please review them to see if we have something wrong.

    Data for TI forum question 2nd.pdf

  • Hi,

    Yes, you will need 3 samples per lobe for the algorithm to fit a parabolic curve to each lobe. But it is NOT 6 samples over period, around 4 samples over period is good enough for calculation. 

    That may explain why the 1.7MHz didn't work.

    This is wrong. Based on your data in attachment. When HSPLL 68MHz, OSR 20, the sampling frequency should be 68M/20 = 3.4M, not 1.7M in your description. So, setting to 1.7M can get a better result than 3.4M. 

    And for error code 135, you can change the USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT into a bigger value, like 40/60/80. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Thanks, we will try a bigger USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT tomorrow.

    Sorry I mixed up the OSR values in the document.  I presented data for both 1.7M (68/40) and 3.4M (68/20).

  • Okay. Then keep the 3.4M sampling frequency and try with the bigger USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

  • Cash we tried USS_ALG_MAX_SAMPLE_SHIFT set to 80.  We no longer recieve the error code.  However, at 3.4MHz we observed very simialr results compared to the document I sent yesterday.  At 1.7MHz, the behavior was better than yesterday's 1.7MHz results, but worse than the 3.4MHz either day.  Both 1.7 and 3.4 MHz perform very poorly compared to 2MHz.  I don't know if that means we have not configured it properly for frequencies other than 2MHz.  Are there other settings we should be playing with at 1.7MHz and 3.4MHz to tune the system to behave at those sampling frequencies?

  • Hi,

    Sorry for the late response. Just come back from the holiday here. 

    I would suggest to try with different F1 and F2 setting. Try something like 300-340, 310-350 or with smaller bandwidth. Check if it can improve the cycle slip issue on the absTOF result under flow. 

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

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