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MSP430FR5043: 13 HZ Peaks in 3.3V power rail

Part Number: MSP430FR5043


Hello, I have a custom design with MSP430FR5043 as shown in the schematics. I disconnected all I/Os going to LEDs, Buzzers, etc. I measure the power consumption with the OTII device and I get very strange peaks of 500 uA  with 13 peaks per second while the power consumption for the rest is reasonable 10...15 uA. is there anything wrong with the power supply or does the strange 13 HZ signal on the 3.3V rail ring a bell? 

Some more info:

- I see the very same result when keeping the MSP in reset state ( /RST -> LOW and when using  the recommended firmware below

int main(void) {


P1DIR = 0xFF; P2DIR = 0xFF; P3DIR = 0xFF;

P1OUT = 0x00; P2OUT = 0x00; P3OUT = 0x00;

__bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits | GIE);


return 0; }

- I did not connect the two transducers yet but shot cutting there inputs does not change the result.

Thank you for any hint. I am pretty much out of options.


  • Hi Christian,

    If you still see these peaks when holding the device in reset, I am wondering if there is some external factor here. Holding the device in reset should stop the device from executing code and should therefor result in constant current consumption. 

    It also looks like you go into a low power mode without running any code, and with no interrupts to wake the device up. So it further appears that the spikes are due to some other factor. The MCU should not be having these 500 uA current spikes regularly.

    You could try removing more functionality (go straight into a no-operation loop with no peripherals enabled or pin assignments) to see if that changes anything, but currently I do not see what could be causing this. Even if the MCU was running I am not sure what would cause a 13Hz signal like that.

  • thanks this. reduces my search area further thanks!

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