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MSP430FR6047: MSP430FR6047

Part Number: MSP430FR6047


I have a Problem in the CCS device MSP430FR6047. I was able to run the example "C:\ti\msp\UltrasonicWaterFR604x_02_40_00_00\examples\USS_Water_Demo" without problem. 
After i created an Empty Project and i wanted to import only the functions and library i needed. Communicationsfolder works without problem. But i have a problem in ussSwLib.h  every function in this file can not be found from other files in the Project. i get an error "unresolved symbol " every time the function in this file is called. the problem is, i can not find, in which folder or file the function are programmed. this may be the problem. 

can some one give me a hint, of which file  i'm missing? i have attached a picture of the Include paths and projects folder. i tried to compare my project with that one from example, the look the same. so i don't know what is wrong. and when i comment every function from ussSwLib.h (when called) the sw runs without problem. 

this is an example of the error i get: 

Description Resource Path Location Type
unresolved symbol USS_runAlgorithmsFixedPoint, first referenced in ./USSLibGUIApp/fr6047_USS_app/USSLibGUIApp.obj FM44SWPLATINE4_1 C/C++ Problem

thank you


  • Hi Pierre,

    I would suggest to start with this Demo example or the template example to build your project. 

    I haven't tried created an empty project and import the USS library before. So, I am not sure what steps you are missed here.

    Best regards,

    Cash Hao

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