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MSP430FR2311: The sample program msp430fr231x_WDT_01.c does not work properly on MSP-EXP430FR2311

Part Number: MSP430FR2311
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-EXP430FR2311


I am testing the sample program msp430fr231x_WDT_01.c compiled with CCS12.7.1 using MSP-EXP430FR2311, but it does not access the Watchdog Timer interrupt service routine.

1: The program is

// Darren Lu

// Texas Instruments Inc.

// July 2015

// Built with IAR Embedded Workbench v6.30 & Code Composer Studio v6.1 and is likely to have been tested.

2: The problem cannot be solved even with the latest CCS 12.7.1 compiler.

3: Since it is MSP-EXP430FR2311, it is difficult to suspect the hardware.

Do you know any good solutions?

  • Hi,

    I have tested the code with MSP-EXP430FR2311. It is workable, can you change the EVM and have a try.



  • Thank you for your advice. I didn't expect a problem with the board because it works fine with other software. Since it worked with the board you have, I will order a new board right away and check it when it arrives.

  • How do you tell that the ISR isn't called? Breakpoint? LED?

    If you pause in the debugger, where is the program executing?

  • How do you tell that the ISR isn't called? Breakpoint? LED?

     => P1OUT ^= BIT0;   // Toggle P1.0 (LED)
    =>  Insert it into the area to be tested and use an oscilloscope to check the state of P1.0.

    If you pause in the debugger, where is the program executing?

    =>  The program is written and run without using a debugger.

    The simplest method is the most reliable, so I tested the MSP-Exp430Fr2311 board alone by connecting an oscilloscope to the output. Since it is ROMized, this is the simplest test.

    2024/6/7 16:17   I found that when I tested it after completely disconnecting it from the CCS, it worked properly. I don't know why it didn't work when the CCS was connected. However, it did achieve its purpose. Thank you for all your advice.

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